I would like to improve the following case by shorting it. I’ve come this far
if decision == 'y': seleniumwire_options = { 'proxy': { 'http': f'https://usr:pw@page:port', } } if decision == 'n': seleniumwire_options = { 'proxy': { 'no_proxy': 'localhost,' } }
You could say that I should just remove the n
decision, but I can’t because I need seleniumwire_options
webdriver.Chrome(..., seleniumwire_options = seleniumwire_options)
You can shorten it by factoring out common parts, like this:
if decision == 'y': proxy = { 'http': f'https://usr:pw@page:port', } if decision == 'n': proxy = { 'no_proxy': 'localhost,', } seleniumwire_options = { 'proxy': proxy }