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Set individual wedge hatching for pandas pie chart

I am trying to make pie charts where some of the wedges have hatching and some of them don’t, based on their content. The data consists of questions and yes/no/in progress answers, as shown below in the MWE.

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

raw_data = {'Q1': ['IP', 'IP', 'Y/IP', 'Y', 'IP'],
        'Q2': ['Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'N/IP'],
        'Q3': ['N/A', 'IP', 'Y/IP', 'N', 'N']}
df = pd.DataFrame(raw_data, columns = ['Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3'])
df= df.astype('string')

for i in df.columns:
    pie = df[i].value_counts().plot.pie(colors=[colors[v] for v in df[i].value_counts().keys()])
    fig = pie.get_figure()

However, instead of greenyellow and gold I am trying to make the wedges green with yellow hatching, and yellow with red hatching, like so (note the below image does not match the data from the MWE):

Example of pie chart with hatching

I had a look online and am aware I will likely have to split the pie(s) into individual wedges but can’t seem to get that to work alongside the pandas value counts. Any help would be massively appreciated. Thanks!



This snippet shows how to add hatching in custom colors to a pie chart. You can extract the Pandas valuecount – this will be a Series – then use it with the snippet I have provided.

I have added the hatch color parameter as a second parameter in the color dictionary:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

colors={'Y' :['green', 'lime'],
        'IP': ['orange', 'red'],
        'N' : ['red', 'cyan']}

labels=['Y', 'N', 'IP']

wedges, _ = plt.pie(x=[1, 2, 3], labels=labels)

for pie_wedge in wedges:

plt.legend(wedges, labels, loc="best")

The result looks like so: enter image description here

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