check if values of a,b are 1 ,2 and c,d are 3,4 then print it
a b c d e f
[[ 1. 2 3. 4 1. 9.935]
[ 1. 2 3. 4 0.9 9.403]
[ 1. 2 3. 4 0.8 8.785]
[ 1. 2 10. 15 0.8 192.523]
[ 1. 2 10. 15 0.7 176.913]
[ 1. 2 10. 15 0.6 158.936]]
what i am currently doing is
xx2 = a[np.where(a[:,0] == 1)]
but it prints all the rows where the 1st column is 1
You can slice your array and then use row equality checks:
mask = (a[:, 0:4] == [1,2,3,4]).all(1)
>>> a[mask]
array([[1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 1. , 9.935],
[1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 0.9 , 9.403],
[1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 0.8 , 8.785]])
BTW, it is always a good idea to make an example that can be reproduced by simple copy/paste. It took me more time to adapt your example than to figure out the answer (each sub-minute, so we are good).
Reproducible setup
a = np.array([
[1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 9.935],
[1, 2, 3, 4, 0.9, 9.403],
[1, 2, 3, 4, 0.8, 8.785],
[1, 2, 10, 15, 0.8, 192.523],
[1, 2, 10, 15, 0.7, 176.913],
[1, 2, 10, 15, 0.6, 158.936]])
Slice/index the array to retain just the columns you want to check against:
>>> a[:, :4]
array([[ 1., 2., 3., 4.],
[ 1., 2., 3., 4.],
[ 1., 2., 3., 4.],
[ 1., 2., 10., 15.],
[ 1., 2., 10., 15.],
[ 1., 2., 10., 15.]])
Note that, in your case, the four columns are consecutive. What if they weren’t? Say we want to check that (d,a,c,b) == (4,1,3,2)
? In that case, specify the selection as a tuple
on the second dimension:
>>> a[:, (3,0,2,1)]
array([[ 4., 1., 3., 2.],
[ 4., 1., 3., 2.],
[ 4., 1., 3., 2.],
[15., 1., 10., 2.],
[15., 1., 10., 2.],
[15., 1., 10., 2.]])
Comparison of the rows of the selected columns to your desired target, by using broadcasting of the ==
>>> a[:, (3,0,2,1)] == [4,1,3,2]
array([[ True, True, True, True],
[ True, True, True, True],
[ True, True, True, True],
[False, True, False, True],
[False, True, False, True],
[False, True, False, True]])
But we want all values (on each row) to match, so:
mask = (a[:, (3,0,2,1)] == [4,1,3,2]).all(1)
>>> mask
array([ True, True, True, False, False, False])
From that point, you can just select a[mask]
and get your subset array where all the selected columns match your desired target.