I have a TMX file containing source and target segments. Some of these segments are made up of several sentences. My goal is to segment these multi-sentence segments so that the entire TMX file consists of single-sentence segments.
I intend to use spacy’s dependency parser to segment these multi-sentence segments.
To achieve this, I have extracted the source and target segments using the Translate Toolkit package.
I then added the source and target segments to a dictionary (seg_dic). Next I converted these segments into nlp doc objects and again stored them in a dictionary (doc_dic). I now want to segment any multi-sentence segments using spacy’s dependency parser …
for sent in doc.sents: print(sent.text)
… but I don’t know how I can do this with the segments being stored in a dictionary.
This is what I have so far:
import spacy from translate.storage.tmx import tmxfile with open("./files/NTA_test.tmx", 'rb') as fin: tmx_file = tmxfile(fin, 'de-DE', 'en-GB') nlp_de = spacy.load("de_core_news_lg") nlp_en = spacy.load("en_core_web_lg") seg_dic = {} doc_dic = {} for node in tmx_file.unit_iter(): seg_dic[node.source] = node.target for source_seg, target_seg in seg_dic.items(): doc_dic[nlp_de(source_seg)] = nlp_en(target_seg)
Can anyone explain how I can proceed from here? How can I iterate over my dictionary keys and values using the “for sent in doc.sents” logic?
The solution here is that you shouldn’t put your stuff in a dictionary like that – use a list. Maybe something like this.
import spacy from translate.storage.tmx import tmxfile with open("./files/NTA_test.tmx", 'rb') as fin: tmx_file = tmxfile(fin, 'de-DE', 'en-GB') de = spacy.load("de_core_news_lg") en = spacy.load("en_core_web_lg") out = [] for node in tmx_file.unit_iter(): de_sents = list(de(node.source).sents) en_sents = list(en(node.target).sents) assert len(de_sents) == len(en_sents), "Different number of sentences!" for desent, ensent in zip(de_sents, en_sents): out.append( (desent, ensent) )
The hard part of this will be what to do when the number of sentences don’t line up. Also note that I would be cautious about your conversion in the first place, as it’s possible a translator did things wholistically, so even if the sentences line up by number there’s no guarantee the first DE corresponds to the first EN, for example.