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PyTorch embedding layer raises “expected…cuda…but got…cpu” error

I’m working on translating a PyTorch model from CPU (where it works) to GPU (where it so far doesn’t). The error message (clipped to the important bits) is as follows:


Here is the full model definition:


This type of error typically occurs when there is a tensor in the model that should be on GPU but is on CPU instead. But as far as I can tell, I’ve already placed .cuda() calls at all of the necessary places: every time a torch.tensor is declared, and running model.cuda() before

What is causing this error?



Someone on a separate forum provided the solution:

Pytorch requires your to do self.module_name = module for things to work correctly. It’s okay to keep them in a list. Just do something like setattr(self, 'emb_{}'.format(i), emb) for each step in that loop.

Because I was managing my embedding layers in a list, whereas PyTorch requires all layers be registered as an attribute on the model object, they were not automatically moved over to GPU memory when model.cuda() was called. Tricky!
