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Pythonic method to create 2 lists, one of which is a repeating set of strings and turn into a dict

I have a list of ‘widget types’, [“C”,”A”,”B”] and need to make a dict for those types to correspond to their respective ID’s, 1=’C’, 2=’A’, 3 = ‘B’, 4= ‘C’, 5=’A’, 6= ‘B’, 7 = ‘C’, etc. I already know how to do it, I just wondered if there was a more elegant pythonic way of achieving it than that below, also it would be good to have the length of the dict/lists expandable, i.e. in the example it is 10 but in reality it would be many hundreds of widgets long.

Existing working code

wid_letter = ['C', 'A', 'B']
widgets_per_row = 10
wid_letter = wid_letter * widgets_per_row 
#print("wid_letter : ", wid_letter, 'n')

ID = (list(range(1,widgets_per_row  + 1,1)))
wid_type = []

# Make list of widget_letters to match length of widget ID
for i in ID:

# Turn the two lists into a dict
wid_ID_dict = dict(zip(ID, wid_type))
print('n'*2, wid_ID_dict,'n')

print("Widget_type: ", wid_ID_dict[1])



wid = {i:w for i,w in enumerate(wid_letter[:widgets_per_row],1)}

Dict comprehension above may be your quest item, wid is wid_ID_dict in your code.
