In Python, we all know Type hints, which became available from 2015:
def greet(name: str) -> str:
return "Hello, " + name
and we also know Function Annotations, in particular here I am referring to textual annotations like:
def greet(name: "The name of the person to greet") -> str:
return "Hello, " + name
But is it possible to use Type Hints together with a textual function annotation?
For example:
def greet(name: str, "The name of the person to greet") -> str:
return "Hello, " + name
This last one throws an error.
I cannot seem to find any source in PEP or Python docs about whether this would be possible or not. Although I haven’t searched particularly deeply, I still would appreciate a source on potential answers.
Like Samwise said, type checkers will not understand if the annotation is a tuple of the type and description (or whatever other metadata you wish to attach). PEP 593 – Flexible function and variable annotations addresses exactly this via the following:
from typing import Annotated
class Description:
x: str
def greet(name: Annotated[str, Description("The name of the person to greet")]) -> str:
return "Hello, " + name
The reason we introduce a wrapper class Description
is so it’s clear that the written string is intended to be a description consumed by us, and so other libraries that analyze annotations do not get confused in case they use str
for their own metadata.
Then, per typing.Annotated, you can use typing.get_type_hints(name, include_extras=True)
to get the description at runtime.