I run my script on computer “A”. Then I connect to computer “A” from computer “B” through my script. I send my message to computer “A” and my script runs it with an exec()
I want to see the result of executing my message on computer “A”, through a socket on computer “B”.
I tried to change sys.stdout = socket_response
but had a error: “Socket object has no attribute write()”
So, how can I redirect standard output (for print
or exec()
) from computer “A” to computer “B” through socket connection?
It will be some kind of ‘python interpreter’ into my script.
Thanks to all!
I use a simple way, which @Torxed advised me of. Here’s my pseudo-code (it’s just an example, not my real script)
import socket
import sys
class stdout_():
def __init__(self, sock_resp):
self.sock_resp = sock_resp
def write(self, mes):
MY_IP = 'localhost'
MY_PORT = 31337
srv = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print("Start server")
old_out = sys.stdout
srv.bind((MY_IP, MY_PORT))
sock_resp, addr_resp = srv.accept()
new_out = stdout_(sock_resp)
sys.stdout = new_out
#sys.stdout = sock_resp ### sock_object has no attribute 'write'
while 1:
a = sock_resp.recv(1024)
except socket.timeout:
#print('server timeout!!' + 'n')
I connected to script with Putty and sent “print ‘abc'” and then I received the answer ‘abc’.
There is the makefile
function in Python’s socket class:
socket.makefile(mode=’r’, buffering=None, *, encoding=None, errors=None, newline=None)
Return a file object associated with the socket. The exact returned type depends on the arguments given to makefile(). These arguments are interpreted the same way as by the built-in open() function.
Closing the file object won’t close the socket unless there are no remaining references to the socket. The socket must be in blocking mode; it can have a timeout, but the file object’s internal buffer may end up in a inconsistent state if a timeout occurs.
You can read how to use it in Mark Lutz’s book (chapter 12, “Making Sockets Look Like Files and Streams”).
An example from the book (the idea is simple: make a file object from a socket with socket.makefile
and link sys.stdout
with it):
def redirectOut(port=port, host=host):
connect caller's standard output stream to a socket for GUI to listen
start caller after listener started, else connect fails before accept
sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((host, port)) # caller operates in client mode
file = sock.makefile('w') # file interface: text, buffered
sys.stdout = file # make prints go to sock.send
return sock # if caller needs to access it raw