I have a Python list called “results” that has dictionaries as its values:
results = [ { 'postingStatus': 'Active', 'postEndDate': '1601683199000', 'boardId': '_internal', 'postStartDate': '1591084714000)' }, { 'postingStatus': 'Expired', 'postEndDate': '1601683199000', 'boardId': '_external', 'postStartDate': '1591084719000)' } ]
How would I create a list that gets all the values from the dictionary where the ‘boardID’ value is ‘_internal’ (but ignores the dictionary where ‘boardID’ is ‘_external’)? As an end result, I’m hoping for a list with the following contents:
You can use list-comprehension:
out = [v for d in results for v in d.values() if d["boardId"] == "_internal"] print(out)
['Active', '1601683199000', '_internal', '1591084714000)']