I am using .net 4.7.1 console program talking to python.net that VS2017 is reporting as version (runtime version v4.0.30319) Python code is in 3.6
def ping(input): if (input == 'ping'): return 'pong' return 'invalid' def headervalid(header): if (header == '@nu001erANSI '): return True return False if __name__ == '__main__': input = '@nu001erANSI ' print(headervalid(input)) input = 'ping' print(ping(input))
dot net :
using (Py.GIL()) { dynamic np = Py.Import("numpy"); Console.WriteLine(np.cos(np.pi * 2)); dynamic sin = np.sin; Console.WriteLine(sin(5)); double c = np.cos(5) + sin(5); Console.WriteLine(c); dynamic a = np.array(new List<float> { 1, 2, 3 }); Console.WriteLine(a.dtype); dynamic b = np.array(new List<float> { 6, 5, 4 }, dtype: np.int32); Console.WriteLine(b.dtype); Console.WriteLine(a * b); dynamic parsers = Py.Import("newworld_parsers.bridgetest"); string input = "ping"; var result = parsers.ping(input); Console.WriteLine(result); input = @"@nu001erANSI "; result = parsers.headervalid(input); Console.WriteLine(result); Console.WriteLine("======="); Console.ReadLine(); }
The python stand alone run reports:
True pong Press any key to continue . . .
Dot net run reports:
1.0 -0.9589242746631385 -0.675262089199912 float64 int32 [ 6. 10. 12.] pong False === Press any key to continue ====
Notice the True in python vs the False when calling from C# The special characters in headervalid() from dot net don’t seem to be going over correctly. What should I do to fix this? Any ideas greatly appreciated!
Putting ‘@’ character in front of C# string turns it into a raw string, meaning no escape sequences inside will work.
You can see that by adding Console.WriteLine(input);
to your code.