I am building a python project for the school (YouTube video downloader), but when I run it, it appears this error: urllib.error.HTTPError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found I have already tried other codes from other people and no one worked, I think is my computer. What can I do?
Here’s the code:
from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk from tkinter import filedialog from pytube import YouTube #pip install pytube3 Folder_Name = "" #file location def openLocation(): global Folder_Name Folder_Name = filedialog.askdirectory() if(len(Folder_Name) > 1): locationError.config(text=Folder_Name,fg="green") else: locationError.config(text="Please Choose Folder!!",fg="red") #donwload video def DownloadVideo(): choice = ytdchoices.get() url = ytdEntry.get() if(len(url)>1): ytdError.config(text="") yt = YouTube(url) if(choice == choices[0]): select = yt.streams.filter(progressive=True).first() elif(choice == choices[1]): select = yt.streams.filter(progressive=True,file_extension='mp4').last() elif(choice == choices[2]): select = yt.streams.filter(only_audio=True).first() else: ytdError.config(text="Paste Link again!!",fg="red") #download function select.download(Folder_Name) ytdError.config(text="Download Completed!!") root = Tk() root.title("YTD Downloader") root.geometry("350x400") #set window root.columnconfigure(0,weight=1)#set all content in center. #Ytd Link Label ytdLabel = Label(root,text="Enter the URL of the Video",font=("jost",15)) ytdLabel.grid() #Entry Box ytdEntryVar = StringVar() ytdEntry = Entry(root,width=50,textvariable=ytdEntryVar) ytdEntry.grid() #Error Msg ytdError = Label(root,text="Error Msg",fg="red",font=("jost",10)) ytdError.grid() #Asking save file label saveLabel = Label(root,text="Save the Video File",font=("jost",15,"bold")) saveLabel.grid() #btn of save file saveEntry = Button(root,width=10,bg="red",fg="white",text="Choose Path",command=openLocation) saveEntry.grid() #Error Msg location locationError = Label(root,text="Error Msg of Path",fg="red",font=("jost",10)) locationError.grid() #Download Quality ytdQuality = Label(root,text="Select Quality",font=("jost",15)) ytdQuality.grid() #combobox choices = ["720p","144p","Only Audio"] ytdchoices = ttk.Combobox(root,values=choices) ytdchoices.grid() #donwload btn downloadbtn = Button(root,text="Donwload",width=10,bg="red",fg="white",command=DownloadVideo) downloadbtn.grid() #developer Label developerlabel = Label(root,text="Dream Developers",font=("jost",15)) developerlabel.grid() root.mainloop()
And here is the terminal: Terminal
I tested: code doesn’t work with pytube-10.4.1
but works with the newest pytube-10.8.3
It seems YouTube
changed something on server and it needed changes in pytube