I have several vertexes that compose two triangles.
A = [0.,0.,0.]
B = [2.,4.,0.]
C = [2.,3.,0.]
D = [1.,1.,0.]
Now I need to export this data to a .txt file, to have the following output composed by two different parts:
1 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 2.0 4.0 0.0
3 2.0 3.0 0.0
4 1.0 1.0 0.0
end part 1
1 1 2 3
2 1 3 4
end part 2
The first part was easy, as I only needed to enumerate each vertex based on the aforementioned list.
for i,list in enumerate(vertex_list,start=1):
file.write("{} {} {} {}n".format(i,list[0],list[1],list[2]))
The problem is with the second part, as I need to enumerate each triangle (first column) and then assign the values previously given in part 1 to each vertex that compose the triangle.
e.g. triangle ABC is composed by vertexes 1, 2 and 3; triangle ACD is composed by vertexes 1,3 and 4, so the output (previously presented) should be:
1 1 2 3
2 1 3 4
I would appreciate any help you could give me on this. Thanks so much.
It looks like you would do something very similar.
This would get the vertices:
print('solve ABC')
for i in ABC:
for j,k in enumerate(vertex_list, start=1):
if i==k:
print('vertex found at', j)
print('solve ACD')
for i in ACD:
for j,k in enumerate(vertex_list, start=1):
if i==k:
print('vertex found at', j)
This is the output:
solve ABC
vertex found at 1
vertex found at 2
vertex found at 3
solve ACD
vertex found at 1
vertex found at 3
vertex found at 4
or more generally make a list of triagles and solve in the same way like this:
triamgles_list = [ABC, ACD]
for c, t in enumerate(triamgles_list):
print('solve item', c)
for i in t:
for j,k in enumerate(vertex_list, start=1):
if i==k:
print('vertex found at', j)
which gives this:
solve item 0
vertex found at 1
vertex found at 2
vertex found at 3
solve item 1
vertex found at 1
vertex found at 3
vertex found at 4