I have written a python script to save a book. It takes screenshots, turns pages(pyautogui click) and combines the screenshots into a PDF.
This is what happens on executing code in vscode:
PS C:UsersAdmin> & C:/Users/Admin/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python39/python.exe "c:/Users/Admin/Desktop/New folder/Windows_v1.py" On page 1 On page 2 On page 3 On page 4 Combining PDF PS C:UsersAdmin>
This is what happens in cmd
C:UsersAdminDesktopNew folder>python Windows_v1.py On page 1 On page 2 On page 3 Combining PDF C:UsersAdminDesktopNew folder>
This is what happens on powershell
PS C:UsersAdminDesktopNew Folder> python Windows_v1.py On page 1 On page 2
…and it just stays there(tested for 15 minutes).
The script:
# Not in standard library- img2pdf, pyautogui, PIL import img2pdf import time import tkinter as tk from PIL import ImageGrab import pyautogui import os #Main window creation # Top level window frame = tk.Tk() frame.title("Screenshot PDF maker") frame.geometry('400x400') frame.wm_attributes('-alpha',1) # Transparent Button Creation def makeTrans(): frame.update() frame.wm_attributes('-alpha',0.3) frame.update() transButton = tk.Button(frame, text = "Make window transparent for ease", command = makeTrans) # TextBox Creation inplabBookName = tk.Text(frame, height = 2, width = 20) inpSaveLoc = tk.Text(frame, height = 2, width = 20) inpPageNo = tk.Text(frame, height = 2, width = 20) # Create labels for main page labBookName = tk.Label(frame, text = "Book name") labBookName.config(font =("Arial", 8)) labIns = tk.Label(frame, text = "Arrange and shape the window so that it covers the entire page.n Do NOT include title bar") labIns.config(font =("Arial", 9)) labSaveLoc = tk.Label(frame, text = "Location") labSaveLoc.config(font =("Arial", 7)) labPageNum = tk.Label(frame, text = "Number of pages") labPageNum.config(font =("Arial", 7)) #Pack everything labIns.pack() transButton.pack() labBookName.pack() inplabBookName.pack() labSaveLoc.pack() inpSaveLoc.pack() inpSaveLoc.insert(tk.END, "D:\Books") labPageNum.pack() inpPageNo.pack() frame.wait_visibility(frame) #Next Button var = tk.IntVar() nextButton = tk.Button(frame, text="Next", command=lambda: var.set(10)) nextButton.pack() nextButton.wait_variable(var) #Perpare mouse detection screen #Remove old elements labIns.pack_forget() transButton.pack_forget() labBookName.pack_forget() inplabBookName.pack_forget() labSaveLoc.pack_forget() inpSaveLoc.pack_forget() labPageNum.pack_forget() inpPageNo.pack_forget() nextButton.pack_forget() frame.wm_attributes('-alpha', 1) # Create labels labMouseX = tk.Label(frame, text = "Mouse X") labMouseX.config(font =("Arial", 7)) labMouseY = tk.Label(frame, text = "Mouse Y") labMouseY.config(font =("Arial", 7)) #text inputs for mouse screen inpmox = tk.Text(frame, height = 2, width = 20) inpmoy = tk.Text(frame, height = 2, width = 20) inpWait = tk.Text(frame, height = 2, width = 20) autoDetlabIns = tk.Label(frame, text = "Press the button and move your mouse over the Next Button to turn the page. n The co-ords will be picked up 3 seconds after press.") autoDetlabIns.config(font =("Arial", 7)) waitlabIns = tk.Label(frame, text = "Seconds of delay it takes to change page after clicking") waitlabIns.config(font =("Arial", 7)) startlabIns = tk.Label(frame, text = "This window will disappear. You do not need to move your mouse or press any key. n When the PDF is ready, the program will close itself") startlabIns.config(font =("Arial", 7)) inpmoy.insert(tk.END, "1") #buttons for mouse screen def autodetmouse(): time.sleep(3) temx, temy = pyautogui.position() inpmox.delete(1.0, tk.END) inpmoy.delete(1.0, tk.END) inpmox.insert(tk.END, temx) inpmoy.insert(tk.END, temy) autodet = tk.Button(frame, text = "Auto detect mouse position", command = autodetmouse) #Pack everything for mouse screen labMouseX.pack() inpmox.pack() labMouseY.pack() inpmoy.pack() autoDetlabIns.pack() autodet.pack() waitlabIns.pack() inpWait.pack() startlabIns.pack() # Start button creation var = tk.IntVar() startButton = tk.Button(frame, text="Start", command=lambda: var.set(1)) startButton.pack() frame.update_idletasks() frame.update() startButton.wait_variable(var) #Remove all elements and make transparent labMouseX.pack_forget() labMouseY.pack_forget() autoDetlabIns.pack_forget() autodet.pack_forget() startlabIns.pack_forget() startButton.pack_forget() frame.update_idletasks() frame.update() frame.wm_attributes('-alpha', 0) frame.update_idletasks() frame.update() #Main processing def main(): #Prepare variables for processing save_Loc = str(inpSaveLoc.get("1.0", "end-1c")) doc = inplabBookName.get("1.0", "end-1c") num_pages = int(inpPageNo.get("1.0", "end-1c")) waitTime = int(inpWait.get("1.0", "end-1c")) varInpMoY = int(inpmoy.get("1.0",'end-1c')) varInpMoX = int(inpmox.get("1.0",'end-1c')) inpmoy.pack_forget() imgs = [] inpmox.insert(tk.END, "processing...") #Fix all inputs save_Loc = save_Loc.rstrip('\') if not os.path.exists(save_Loc): os.makedirs(save_Loc) os.makedirs(save_Loc + "/" + doc) pyautogui.moveTo(varInpMoX, varInpMoY) #so that cursor doesn't come in the way for pg_num in range(num_pages): print('On page', str(pg_num + 1)) im = ImageGrab.grab(bbox=(frame.winfo_rootx(), frame.winfo_rooty(), frame.winfo_width(), frame.winfo_height())) finSavLoc = save_Loc + "/" + doc + "/" + str(pg_num + 1) + ".png" im.save(finSavLoc) imgs.append(finSavLoc) time.sleep(waitTime) #Flip page pyautogui.moveTo(varInpMoX, varInpMoY) pyautogui.click() print("Combining PDF") inpmox.insert(tk.END, "Combinig PDF...") with open(save_Loc + "/" + doc + "/" + doc +".pdf" ,"wb") as f: f.write(img2pdf.convert(imgs)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
I have tried:
- Rebooting
- Re-installing all the required pip modules
Turn out the auto-clicker was the problem with PowerShell. Whenever it used to click on the PowerShell command line, it paused. Fixed using this answer: https://serverfault.com/a/205898