I am maintaining an operator terminal based on cmd. The customer asked for an alerting behavior. e.g. a message shown onscreen when some asynchronous event occurs. I made a thread that periodically checks for alerts, and when it finds some, it just prints them to stdout.
This seems to work OK, but it doesn’t seem very elegant, and it has a problem:
Because cmd doesn’t know an alert happened, the message is followed onscreen by blank. The command prompt is not reprinted, and any user input is left pending.
Is there a better way to do asynchronous alerts during Python cmd? With the method as-is, can I interrupt cmd and get it to redraw its prompt?
I tried from my thread to poke a newline in stdin using StringIO, but this is not ideal, and I haven’t gotten it work right.
Example code:
import cmd, sys import threading, time import io import sys class MyShell(cmd.Cmd): intro = '*** Terminal ***nType help or ? to list commands.n' prompt = '> ' file = None def alert(self): time.sleep(5) print ('nn*** ALERT!n') sys.stdin = io.StringIO("n") def do_bye(self, arg): 'Stop recording, close the terminal, and exit: BYE' print('Exiting.') sys.exit(0) return True def do_async(self, arg): 'Set a five second timer to pop an alert.' threading.Thread(target=self.alert).start() def emptyline(self): pass def parse(arg): 'Convert a series of zero or more numbers to an argument tuple' return tuple(map(int, arg.split())) if __name__ == '__main__': MyShell().cmdloop()
I ended up overriding Cmd.cmdloop with my own version, replacing the readlines() with my own readlines that use non-blocking terminal IO.
Non-Blocking terminal IO info here: Non-Blocking terminal IO
Unfortunately, this opens another can trouble in that it is messy and breaks auto-completion and command history. Fortunately, the customer was OK with having to push Enter to redo the prompt, so I don’t need to worry about it anymore.
Incomplete example code showing the non-blocking terminal input approach:
import cmd, sys import threading, time import io import os if os.name=='nt': import msvcrt def getAnyKey(): if msvcrt.kbhit(): return msvcrt.getch() return None else: import sys import select import tty import termios import atexit def isData(): return select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0) == ([sys.stdin], [], []) old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin) def restoreSettings(): global old_settings termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings) atexit.register(restoreSettings) def getAnyKey(): try: if isData(): return sys.stdin.read(1) return None except: pass return None class MyShell(cmd.Cmd): prompt = '> ' file = None realstdin = sys.stdin mocking=False breakReadLine=False def alert(self): time.sleep(5) print ('nn*** ALERT!n') self.breakReadLine=True # ----- basic commands ----- def do_bye(self, arg): 'Stop recording, close the terminal, and exit: BYE' print('Exiting.') sys.exit(0) return True def do_async(self, arg): 'Set a five second timer to pop an alert.' threading.Thread(target=self.alert).start() def emptyline(self): pass def myReadLine(self): sys.stdout.flush() self.breakReadLine=False line='' while not self.breakReadLine: c=getAnyKey() if not c is None: c=c.decode("utf-8") if c=='x08' and len(line): line=line[0:-1] elif c in ['r','n']: print('n') return line else: line+=c print(c,end='') sys.stdout.flush() def mycmdloop(self, intro=None): """Repeatedly issue a prompt, accept input, parse an initial prefix off the received input, and dispatch to action methods, passing them the remainder of the line as argument. """ self.preloop() if self.use_rawinput and self.completekey: try: import readline self.old_completer = readline.get_completer() readline.set_completer(self.complete) readline.parse_and_bind(self.completekey+": complete") except ImportError: pass try: if intro is not None: self.intro = intro if self.intro: self.stdout.write(str(self.intro)+"n") stop = None while not stop: if self.cmdqueue: line = self.cmdqueue.pop(0) else: if self.use_rawinput: try: print(self.prompt,end='') line = self.myReadLine()#input(self.prompt) except EOFError: line = 'EOF' else: self.stdout.write(self.prompt) self.stdout.flush() line = self.myReadLine()#self.stdin.readline() if not line is None: line = line.rstrip('rn') line = self.precmd(line) stop = self.onecmd(line) stop = self.postcmd(stop, line) self.postloop() finally: if self.use_rawinput and self.completekey: try: import readline readline.set_completer(self.old_completer) except ImportError: pass def cmdloop_with_keyboard_interrupt(self, intro): doQuit = False while doQuit != True: try: if intro!='': cintro=intro intro='' self.mycmdloop(cintro) else: self.intro='' self.mycmdloop() doQuit = True except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.stdout.write('n') def parse(arg): 'Convert a series of zero or more numbers to an argument tuple' return tuple(map(int, arg.split())) if __name__ == '__main__': #MyShell().cmdloop() MyShell().cmdloop_with_keyboard_interrupt('*** Terminal ***nType help or ? to list commands.n')