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Spark: How to parse JSON string of nested lists to spark data frame?

How to parse JSON string of nested lists to spark data frame in pyspark ?

Input data frame:

|url          |json                                           |
|https://url.a|[[1572393600000, 1.000],[1572480000000, 1.007]]|
|https://url.b|[[1572825600000, 1.002],[1572912000000, 1.000]]|

 |-- url: string (nullable = true)
 |-- json: string (nullable = true)

Expected output:

|col_1 | col_2               | col_3    |
| a    | 1572393600000       |  1.000   | 
| a    | 1572480000000       |  1.007   |
| b    | 1572825600000       |  1.002   |
| b    | 1572912000000       |  1.000   |

Example code:

import pyspark
import pyspark.sql.functions as F

spark = (pyspark.sql.SparkSession.builder.appName("Downloader_standalone")

sc = spark.sparkContext
from pyspark.sql import Row

rdd_list  = [('https://url.a','[[1572393600000, 1.000],[1572480000000, 1.007]]'),
             ('https://url.b','[[1572825600000, 1.002],[1572912000000, 1.000]]')]

jsons = sc.parallelize(rdd_list) 

df = spark.createDataFrame(jsons, "url string, json string")

(df.withColumn('json', F.from_json(F.col('json'),"array<string,string>"))
.select(F.explode('json').alias('col_1', 'col_2', 'col_3')).show())

There are few examples, but I can not figure out how to do it:



With some replacements in the strings and by splitting you can get the desired result:

from pyspark.sql import functions as F

df1 = df.withColumn(
    F.regexp_replace("url", "https://url.", "")
            split(trim(both '][' from json), '\],\['), 
            x -> struct(split(x, ',')[0] as col_2, split(x, ',')[1] as col_3)
).selectExpr("col_1", "col_2_3.*")

#|col_1|col_2        |col_3 |
#|a    |1572393600000| 1.000|
#|a    |1572480000000| 1.007|
#|b    |1572825600000| 1.002|
#|b    |1572912000000| 1.000|


  1. trim(both '][' from json) : removes trailing and leading caracters [ and ], get someting like: 1572393600000, 1.000],[1572480000000, 1.007

  2. Now you can split by ],[ (\ is for escaping the brackets)

  3. transform takes the array from the split and for each element, it splits by comma and creates struct col_2 and col_3

  4. explode the array of structs you get from the transform and star expand the struct column

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