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pyspark create all possible combinations of column values of a dataframe

I want to get all the possible combinations of size 2 of a column in pyspark dataframe. My pyspark dataframe looks like

| id |
|  1 |
|  2 |
|  3 |
|  4 |

For above input, I want to get output as 

| id1 |  id2 |
|  1  |   2  |
|  1  |   3  |
|  1  |   4  |
|  2  |   3  |
and so on..

One way would be to collect the values and get them into python iterable (list, pandas df) and use itertools.combinations to generate all combinations.

values ='id')).first()[0]
combns = list(itertools.combinations(values, 2))

However, I want to avoid collecting the dataframe column to the driver since the rows can be extremely large. Is there a better way to achieve this using spark APIs?



You can use the crossJoin method, and then cull the lines with id1 > id2.

df = df.toDF('id1').crossJoin(df.toDF('id2')).filter('id1 < id2')