I have viewset,
class CompanyViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet): serializer_class = s.CompanySerializer queryset = m.Company.objects.all()
Which shows the view on /api/companys
There is a button for POST
I can add the new data from this form.
Now I want to modify the existing data.
I have basic questions.
can modify the data? orPUT
should be implemented?How
can be implemented forModelViewSet
Mainly for updating(modify) data using PATCH
method, PUT
for replace data
Description of methods: https://www.restapitutorial.com/lessons/httpmethods.html
To define PUT method you can use follow example:
# define url urlpatterns = [ url('api/mydata/<id>', views.data_put), ] # views @api_view(['PUT']) def data_put(r, d):