I am trying to make a loop that if the program sees a letter
or number
it will push(x) into a new list and if it sees an asterisk * it must pop(). It is more of a stack algorithm where the first letter or number in is the last one out. FILO First in last out
For example
If the program is given the following array
inputVals = ["1", "2" ,"*" ,"3", "4", "*" ,"*", "*" ,"5", "6"]
It should output
outputVal = ["2" ,"4", "3" ,"1"]
or a letter input
inputLetter = ["f" ,"a", "*", "d" ,"e" ,"t" ,"*" ,"o", "*" ,"*" ,"*" ,"*"]
letter Output
outPutLetter = ["a" ,"t", "o", "e" ,"d" ,"f"]
How can I implement this?
This should work:
def foo(input_list): result = [] stack = [] for i in input_list: if i == "*": result.append(stack.pop()) else: stack.append(i) return result print(foo(["1", "2" ,"*" ,"3", "4", "*" ,"*", "*" ,"5", "6"])) print(foo(["f" ,"a", "*", "d" ,"e" ,"t" ,"*" ,"o", "*" ,"*" ,"*" ,"*"]))
['2', '4', '3', '1'] ['a', 't', 'o', 'e', 'd', 'f']