I am looking for some guidance. I have Anaconda installed to manage my python packages and environments. I see that you can install postgres in the package manager. Am I best to install postgres in the conda environment or install standalone. I am on Windows.
I see that if I install postgres separately I get pgadmin graphical interface. This could be very helpful for me.
I cannot see a graphical interface when postgres is installed via conda.
If I install standalone postgres do I have delete all the conda installed postgres instances.
Many thanks.
Ameya and mnikley helped in the comments (1, 2)
I have kept my postgres db separate and I am using the psycopg2 package as the connector. There is a package that includes postgres as I found out when I installed postgres stand alone as it could not use port 5432. I uninstalled the posrgres package from within conda and everything works perfectly.