I’m trying to create a @synchronized wrapper that creates one Lock per object and makes method calls thread safe. I can only do this if I can access method.im_self of the method in the wrapped method.
class B:
def f(self): pass
assert inspect.ismethod( B.f ) # OK
assert inspect.ismethod( B().f ) # OK
print B.f # <unbound method B.f>
print B().f # <bound method B.f of <__main__.B instance at 0x7fa2055e67e8>>
def synchronized(func):
# func is not bound or unbound!
print func # <function f at 0x7fa20561b9b0> !!!!
assert inspect.ismethod(func) # FAIL
# ... allocate one lock per C instance
return func
class C:
def f(self): pass
(1) What’s confusing is that the func parameter passed to my decorator changes type before it gets passed into the wrapper-generator. This seem is rude and unnecessary. Why does this happen?
(2) Is there some decorator magic by which I can make method calls to an object mutex-ed (i.e. one lock per object, not per class).
UPDATE: There are many examples of @synchronized(lock) wrappers. However, really what I want is @synchronized(self). I can solve it like this:
def synchronizedMethod(func):
def _synchronized(*args, **kw):
self = args[0]
lock = oneLockPerObject(self)
with lock: return func(*args, **kw)
return _synchronized
However, because its much more efficient, I’d prefer:
def synchronizedMethod(func):
lock = oneLockPerObject(func.im_self)
def _synchronized(*args, **kw):
with lock: return func(*args, **kw)
return _synchronized
Is this possible?
Go read:
and in particular:
- https://github.com/GrahamDumpleton/wrapt/blob/develop/blog/07-the-missing-synchronized-decorator.md
- https://github.com/GrahamDumpleton/wrapt/blob/develop/blog/08-the-synchronized-decorator-as-context-manager.md
The wrapt
module then contains the @synchronized
decorator described there.
The full implementation is flexible enough to do:
@synchronized # lock bound to function1
def function1():
@synchronized # lock bound to function2
def function2():
@synchronized # lock bound to Class
class Class(object):
@synchronized # lock bound to instance of Class
def function_im(self):
@synchronized # lock bound to Class
def function_cm(cls):
@synchronized # lock bound to function_sm
def function_sm():
Along with context manager like usage as well:
class Object(object):
def function_im_1(self):
def function_im_2(self):
with synchronized(self):
Further information and examples can also be found in:
There is also a conference talk you can watch on how this is implemented at: