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pandas – idiomatic way to stash rows filtered out of dataframe

What is the idiomatic way to split a dataframe into two by a condition? Or put another way, to filter a dataframe by a condition but keep the filtered out rows in a new dataframe?

I was thinking I could filter the original dataframe for the inverse of the ‘filtered out by condition’ rows using the tilde , like this:

# this obviously doesnt work, though it would seem idiomatic to me. 
# is there a clean / idiomatic solution?
vowels = df[~nonvowels]
import pandas as pd

dl = [

df = pd.DataFrame(dl)

print (df)

# a filter
nonvowels = df[df['vowel'] == False]

# one solution- i know i can do this with the drop method, passing it the 'filtered df''s index to the original df drop method as a list...
vowels = df.drop(nonvowels.index.tolist())

# but i was curious if there was an idiomatic way to store filtered rows of a 
# dataframe and also store/keep it's 'inverse' 
# as stated above, my inuition thinks once i have nonvowels in a df, i should be able to do something like:
# vowels = df[~nonvowels]
# but that doesnt work...

print (nonvowels)
print (vowels)



You can use df.loc + df.index.difference with nonvowels.index to achieve what you’re looking for (and yes, this is idiomatic):

vowels = df.loc[df.index.difference(nonvowels.index)]


>>> vowels
  letter  number vowel
0      a       1  True
4      e       5  True
8      y      25  None
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