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pandas df apply condition on multiple columns

I have a df that looks like this:


I want to create a new column named promoted from the columns master_feature, epic, and feature:

value of promoted will be :

  • master feature if adjacent master_feature column value is not null.
  • feature if adjacent feature column value is not null ,and likewise for epic

something like:

df.promoted = 'master feature' if not pd.isnull(df.master_feature) 
               elseif 'feature' if not pd.isnull(df.feature) 
               elseif 'epic' pd.isnull(df.epic) 
               else 'Na' 

how can I achieve this using a df.apply? is it much more efficient if I use


Answer is the way to go. Try below . . . I think I got the logic correct based on your question. Also, there is some discrepancy in your logic: “feature if adjacent feature column value is not null ,and likewise for epic” is not the same as “elseif ‘epic’ pd.isnull(df.epic)” So I went with if df['epic'] is not null then 'epic' Let me know if that is correct.

cond = [~df['master_feature'].isna(), # if master_feater is not null then 'master feater'
        ~df['feature'].isna(), # if feature is not null then 'feature
        ~df['epic'].isna()] # if epic is not null then 'epic'

choice = ['master feature', 

df['promoted'] =, choice, np.nan)

  master_feature feature epic        promoted
0             ab     NaN  NaN  master feature
1            NaN     NaN   fg            epic
2            NaN      pq  NaN         feature
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