I am currently trying to write a code that is supposed to add mulitple dataframes into one, using the append method. However, with the code I currently use, it seems that only the first dataframe is read. I have tried locating the problem by adding a len(df) to my code and it seems to that the merged dataframe lenght does not change after appending a new one. I am also using a loop that reads threw the files in a folder and this is used in order to only use the top rows for the first dataframe and then skip them when it is not the first.
In my loop I get the output:
lenght of added dataframe 1044
lenght of appended dataframe: 41568
lenght of added dataframe 9138
lenght of appended dataframe: 41568
I expected to get the results of a combined dataframe.
The expected output is:
lenght of added dataframe 1044
lenght of appended dataframe: 42612
lenght of added dataframe 9138
lenght of appended dataframe: 51750
My current code is:
from calendar import Calendar from cmath import exp from curses.panel import bottom_panel from datetime import date from sqlite3 import DateFromTicks import sys sys.path.append(r'c:usersa384663appdatalocalprogramspythonpython39libsite-packages') from cgitb import text from distutils import command from errno import ERANGE from hashlib import new from heapq import merge from importlib.metadata import entry_points from itertools import count from operator import eq from tkinter import Frame, Spinbox, StringVar, Toplevel, filedialog import tkinter as tk from tkinter.constants import HORIZONTAL, X from tkinter.ttk import Combobox, Progressbar from tkinter import * from turtle import done import pandas as pd import math import numpy as np import os from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join import matplotlib import matplotlib.path as mplPath import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from tkcalendar import Calendar from datetime import datetime import glob path=(r'C:Usersa384663DesktopAutofreightCOPIED FILES FOR SPECIAL STUDY') os.chdir(r'C:Usersa384663DesktopAutofreightCOPIED FILES FOR SPECIAL STUDY') onlyfiles = [f for f in listdir(path) if isfile(join(path, f))] print(onlyfiles) filen=1 list_of_dataframes = [] for filename in onlyfiles: print("READING FILE",filen) if filen ==1: #try: #merged_df=pd.read_csv(filename, encoding='iso-8859-1',skiprows=43, usecols=[1, 19, 30, 31, 33, 83, 155, 157]) merged_df=pd.read_csv(filename, encoding='iso-8859-1',skiprows=43, usecols=[1, 155, 157]) print(len(merged_df)) #except: # pass if filen > 1: try: #merged_df.append(pd.read_csv(filename, encoding='iso-8859-1',skiprows=47, usecols=[1, 19, 30, 31, 33, 83, 155, 157])) testcsv=pd.read_csv(filename, encoding='iso-8859-1',skiprows=47, usecols=[1, 155, 157]) print("lenght of added dataframe",len(testcsv)) merged_df.append(testcsv) print("lenght of appended dataframe:",len(merged_df)) except: print("EXCEPTION", filename) filen+=1 print(len(merged_df))
Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
Than you in advance!
After appending the dataframe you need to asssign it to variable like below
merged_df = merged_df.append(testcsv)