Is there a way to fill a country with an image similar to R solution using custom library here:
I have a solution where the face colour is filled for instance the below where Italy is blue. However, I would like to add the Italian flag. Is there a way in Python (I have not found much after searching) or is something like QGIS needed:
#create a map where I can load images in to fill the countries import cartopy import as ccrs import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as shpreader flag = "italy.png" #this is a locally saved png. plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15)) #size of plot ax = plt.axes( ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.BORDERS, linestyle='-', alpha=1) ax.coastlines(resolution='110m') #simplifies the border lines ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.OCEAN, facecolor="#40e0d0") #colour of ocean # ax.gridlines() #adds global grid lines ax.set_extent ((-7.5, 50, 34, 69), #makes it european shpfilename = shpreader.natural_earth(resolution='110m', category='cultural', name='admin_0_countries') for country in shpreader.Reader(shpfilename).records(): if country.attributes['NAME_LONG'] == "Italy": ax.add_geometries(country.geometry, ccrs.PlateCarree(), facecolor="blue", #no attribute like this img= "fd", label=country.attributes['NAME_LONG'])
Any help, much appreciated!
Here is a demo code that does what you need. As a matter of fact, cartopy logo
uses this technique to create.
import cartopy import as ccrs import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as shpreader import matplotlib.patches as mpatches import numpy as np imdat1 = plt.imread('flag-of-italy.jpg', format='jpg') # use your flag plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax = plt.axes( ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.BORDERS, linestyle='-', alpha=1) ax.coastlines(resolution='110m') ax.add_feature(cartopy.feature.OCEAN, facecolor="#40e0d0") # ax.gridlines() #adds global grid lines ax.set_extent ((-7.5, 50, 24, 69), shpfilename = shpreader.natural_earth(resolution='110m', category='cultural', name='admin_0_countries') italy_ctry = None #use this to grab italy's for country in shpreader.Reader(shpfilename).records(): if country.attributes['NAME_LONG'] == "Italy": italy_ctry = country ax.add_geometries(country.geometry, ccrs.PlateCarree(), facecolor="none", alpha=0.7, zorder=2, label=country.attributes['NAME_LONG']) # create mpatch from `italy` geometry cg = italy_ctry.geometry cg2 = cg.simplify(0.02) if cg2.geometryType()=='MultiPolygon': # if == `Polygon`, dont need to loop for ea in cg2.geoms: cg2xy = ea.exterior.xy # tuple of (x,y) xys = [] for ea in zip(cg2xy[0], cg2xy[1]): #print(ea[0],ea[1]) xys.append([ea[0],ea[1]]) # add a patch poly = mpatches.Polygon(xys, closed=True, ec='r', lw=2, fc='yellow', transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), alpha=0.5, zorder=30) plate_carree_transform = ccrs.PlateCarree()._as_mpl_transform(ax) xtent1 = (6.519950, 17.122259, 35.783370, 47.962952) imdat2 = ax.imshow(imdat1, origin='upper', extent=xtent1, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), zorder=15, alpha=.9) ##imdat2 = ax.stock_img() #for testing imdat2.set_clip_path(mpatches.Path(xys), transform=plate_carree_transform) pass
The sample plot (varies with the flag in use):