this is a part of my OCR code. This part looks for a special word in a scanned PDF and prints this out. I have like 10 Queries like this and all print me the word I am looking for. Now I want to get the found words saved in a CSV, but I don’t know how to do that. Can Someone help me, please?
QueryNumberZW = (ErgebnisPandas.query('Word=="ZW" & Wordindex<40 & Page==1').index.tolist()) print(QueryNumberZW) if QueryNumberZW: ResultNumberZW = (ErgebnisPandas['Wort'].iloc[QueryNumberZW[0]:QueryNumberZW[0]+3]) ResultNumberZW = ' '.join(ResultNumberZW) print(ResultNumberZW) ยดยดยด
It is basic knowledge.
Create empty list at start, append() words to list, and later write all list using csv
or pandas
I have no idea which variables you want to save
# - at start - all_words = [] # ... your code ... all_words.append( word ) # - at the end - df = pd.DataFrame({"words": all_words}) df.to_csv("words.csv")