EDIT: added prefix / suffix value to interval arrays to make them the same length as their corresponding data arrays, as per @user1319128 ‘s suggestion and indeed interp does the job. For sure his solution was workable and good. I just couldn’t see it because I was tired and stupid.
I am sure this is a fairly mundane application, but so I have failed to find or come up with a way to do this without doing it outside of numpy. Maybe my brain just needs a rest, anyway here is the problem with example and solution requirements.
So I have to arrays with different lengths and I want to apply common time intervals between them to these arrays, so that that the result is I have versions of these arrays that are all the same length and their values relate to each other at the same row (if that makes sense). In the example below I have named this functionality “apply_timeintervals_to_array”. The example code:
import numpy as np
from colorsys import hsv_to_rgb
num_xy = 20
num_colors = 12
#xy = np.random.rand(num_xy, 2) * 1080
xy = np.array([[ 687.32758344, 956.05651214],
[ 226.97671414, 698.48071588],
[ 648.59878864, 175.4882185 ],
[ 859.56600997, 487.25205922],
[ 794.43015178, 16.46114312],
[ 884.7166732 , 634.59100322],
[ 878.94218682, 835.12886098],
[ 965.47135726, 542.09202328],
[ 114.61867445, 601.74092126],
[ 134.02663822, 334.27221884],
[ 940.6589034 , 245.43354493],
[ 285.87902276, 550.32600784],
[ 785.00104142, 993.19960822],
[1040.49576307, 486.24009511],
[ 165.59409198, 156.79786175],
[1043.54280058, 313.09073855],
[ 645.62878826, 100.81909068],
[ 625.78003257, 252.17917611],
[1056.77009875, 793.02218098],
[ 2.93152052, 596.9795026 ]])
xy_deltas = np.sum((xy[1:] - xy[:-1])**2, axis=-1)
xy_ti = np.concatenate(([0.0],
(xy_deltas) / np.sum(xy_deltas)))
colors_ti = np.concatenate((np.linspace(0, 1, num_colors),
common_ti = np.unique(np.sort(np.concatenate((xy_ti,
common_colors = (np.array(tuple(hsv_to_rgb(t, 0.9, 0.9) for t
in np.concatenate(([0.0],
* 255).astype(int)[1:-1]
common_xy = apply_timeintervals_to_array(common_ti, xy)
So one could then use the common arrays for additional computations or for rendering.
The question is what could accomplish the “apply_timeintervals_to_array” functionality, or alternatively a better way to generate the same data.
I hope this is clear enough, let me know if it isn’t. Thank you in advance.
I think , numpy.interp
should meet your expectations.For example, If a have an 2d array of length 20 , and would like to interpolate at different common_ti
values ,whose length is 30 , the code would be as follows.
xy = np.arange(0,400,10).reshape(20,2)
xy_ti = np.arange(20)/19
common_ti = np.linspace(0,1,30)
x=np.interp(common_ti,xy_ti,xy[:,0]) # interpolate the first column
y=np.interp(common_ti,xy_ti,xy[:,1]) #interpolate the second column