Firstly, i have an image that I pass in arguments, and i retrieve all of his contours with OpenCV (with the cv.findContours
I parse this list with my parseArray
method to have a well parsed list of x,y contours coordinates of the img [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ...]
(The size of this list equals 24163
for my unicorn image)
So here is my code:
def parseArray(array):
parsedArray = []
for i in array:
for j in i:
parsedArray.append((j[0][0], j[0][1]))
return parsedArray
def delItemList(index, list):
del list[index: index + 1]
img = cv.imread(sys.argv[1])
canny = cv.Canny(img, 215, 275)
contours, hierarchies = cv.findContours(canny,cv.RETR_LIST, cv.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)
parsedArray = parseArray(contours)
drawList = []
while (len(parsedArray) > 0):
tmp = [(0,0)]
tree = KDTree(parsedArray)
dist, ind = tree.query(tmp, k=1)
tmp[0] = parsedArray[int(ind)]
delItemList(int(ind), parsedArray)
And here is a time
of this :
How can i reduce strongly the time of my loop (less than one second), is it possible?
I think you spend most of your time in your while loop so I will focus on those lines:
while (len(parsedArray) > 0):
tmp = [(0,0)]
tree = KDTree(parsedArray)
dist, ind = tree.query(tmp, k=1)
tmp[0] = parsedArray[int(ind)]
delItemList(int(ind), parsedArray)
My understanding is that you want to use a KDTree to find the nearest neighbor of the point [(0,0]] among the points of your contour and that once you find it, you remove it from the contour points and start again. This is costly because you are creating a complex structure that is optimised to perform nearest neighbor query only for one query and then you create it again and again. I can suggest you two optimisations:
- If you want to keep the KDTree for whatever reason, then query all the points at once:
tree.query(tmp, k=len(parsedArray))
(c.f. scipy documentation) - Compute the distance between [(0, 0)] and each point of your contour and sort them by this distance. You can find solution for this on other thread such as here