I have the following code that I am working on in python with interp1d and it seems that the output of the interp1d times the query points outputs the beginning values of array as NaN
. Why?
Freq_Vector = np.arange(0,22051,1) Freq_ref = np.array([20,25,31.5,40,50,63,80,100,125,160,200,250,315,400,500,630,750,800,1000,1250,1500,1600,2000,2500,3000,3150,4000,5000,6000,6300,8000,9000,10000,11200,12500,14000,15000,16000,18000,20000]) W_ref=-1*np.array([39.6,32,25.85,21.4,18.5,15.9,14.1,12.4,11,9.6,8.3,7.4,6.2,4.8,3.8,3.3,2.9,2.6,2.6,4.5,5.4,6.1,8.5,10.4,7.3,7,6.6,7,9.2,10.2,12.2,10.8,10.1,12.7,15,18.2,23.8,32.3,45.5,50]) if FreqVector[-1] > Freq_ref[-1]: Freq_ref[-1] = FreqVector[-1] WdB = interpolate.interp1d(Freq_ref,W_ref,kind='cubic',axis=-1, copy=True, bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.nan)(FreqVector)
The first 20 values in WdB are :
00000 = {float64} nan 00001 = {float64} nan 00002 = {float64} nan 00003 = {float64} nan 00004 = {float64} nan 00005 = {float64} nan 00006 = {float64} nan 00007 = {float64} nan 00008 = {float64} nan 00009 = {float64} nan 00010 = {float64} nan 00011 = {float64} nan 00012 = {float64} nan 00013 = {float64} nan 00014 = {float64} nan 00015 = {float64} nan 00016 = {float64} nan 00017 = {float64} nan 00018 = {float64} nan 00019 = {float64} nan 00020 = {float64} -39.6 00021 = {float64} -37.826313148
The following is the same outputted in maltab for the first 20 values:
-58.0424562952059 -59.2576965087483 -60.1150845850336 -60.6367649499501 -60.8448820293863 -60.7615802492306 -60.4090040353715 -59.8092978136973 -58.9846060100965 -57.9570730504576 -56.7488433606689 -55.3820613666188 -53.8788714941959 -52.2614181692886 -50.5518458177851 -48.7722988655741 -46.9449217385440 -45.0918588625830 -43.2352546635798 -41.3972535674226 -39.6000000000000 -37.8656383872004
How can I avoid this and actually have real values like matlab does with interp1d?
I do not know exactly the reason, but the fit actually works when looking at the plotted data.
from scipy import interpolate import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt Freq_Vector = np.arange(0,22051.0,1) Freq_ref = np.array([20,25,31.5,40,50,63,80,100,125,160,200,250,315, 400,500,630,750,800,1000,1250,1500,1600,2000,2500,3000,3150, 4000,5000,6000,6300,8000,9000,10000,11200,12500,14000,15000, 16000,18000,20000]) W_ref=-1*np.array([39.6,32,25.85,21.4,18.5,15.9,14.1,12.4,11, 9.6,8.3,7.4,6.2,4.8,3.8,3.3,2.9,2.6,2.6,4.5,5.4,6.1,8.5,10.4,7.3,7, 6.6,7,9.2,10.2,12.2,10.8,10.1,12.7,15,18.2,23.8,32.3,45.5,50]) if Freq_Vector[-1] > Freq_ref[-1]: Freq_ref[-1] = Freq_Vector[-1] WdB = interpolate.interp1d(Freq_ref.tolist(),W_ref.tolist(), kind='cubic', bounds_error=False)(Freq_Vector) plt.plot(Freq_ref,W_ref,'..',color='black',label='Reference') plt.plot(Freq_ref,W_ref,'-.',color='blue',label='Interpolated') plt.legend()
The plot looks as follows:
The interpolation is actually happening, but the fitting is not as good as desirable. But if your intention is to fit your data, why don’t you use a spline interpolator? Which is still cubic but less prone to overloads.
And the data and plots come out very smoothly.
WdB Out[34]: array([-114.42984432, -108.43602531, -102.72381906, ..., -50.00471866, -50.00236016, -50. ])