How to add multiple images within one django queryset that will have a image field? It can be done through foreignkey but if i use different table for image then id’s will be generated differently
Can anyone help me on how exactly i can upload multiple images on one django queryset? Example: We can upload multiple images in one post Facebook
The most common way to go about implementing a many-to-one relation is to create another table and connect it through a foreign key. You can do something like this in your :
class Post(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(max_length=250)
image = models.FileField(blank=True)
class Images(models.Model):
post = models.ForeignKey(Post, default=None, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
images = models.FileField(upload_to = 'images/')
Here, attribute post of class Images will be used to connect the images to their respective posts. In, you can filter images based on the foreign key attribute in this manner :
def detail_view(request, id):
post = get_object_or_404(Post, id=id)
images = PostImage.objects.filter(post=post)
return render(request, 'detail.html', {'post':post,'images':images})
Now, all the images passed as context are the ones which were supposed to be linked to that particular post for you to use in your template.