I try to run this Neural Network script (for a regression model) There are two classes defined above. One is Standardizer class and other is Neural Net class. The Standardizer class normalizes all the values and the NeuralNet class builds the neural network that learns the data through feed forward and back propagation.
This function takes the the number of inputs, hidden units, and outputs as the three parameters.
The set_hunit function is used to either update or initiate the weights.It takes the weight as the parameter.
The Pack function packs the multiple weights of each layer into one vector. The unpack function does vice versa.
Forward pass in neural network propagates as shown below:
ππ=β(ππβ π)=ππβ π
Activation function is used to make the network non linear. We may use tanh or RBG or etc.
In the backward pass the function takes the the z values, Target values and the error as input. Based on the delta value, the weights and the bias are updated accoringly. This method returns the weight vector packed together of that particualr layer. Below are the functions that are excecuted during backward pass.
The train function takes the feautures and the target as the input. The gradientf unpacks the weights,proceeds with the forward pass by calling forward function. Now error is calculated using results of forward pass. Now back propagation is proceeded by calling backward function with parameters as error, Z, T(Target), _lambda.
The optimtarget function tries to reduce the error by using the object function and updates the weights accordingly.
The use method is applied to the test data after training the model. Testing data is passed as parameter and it stadardizes the data. Then forward is applied on the data which returns the predictions
This shows module not found error, but I have installed grad module with pip installation
#Importing required libraries import pandas as pd import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import grad import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Reading data using pandas library vehicle_data=pd.read_csv('processed_Data.csv') # Overall idea about distribution of data vehicle_data.hist(bins=40, figsize=(20,15)) plt.show() # Count plot of Ellectric Range sns.countplot(x='Electric Range',data=vehicle_data) # Joint plot between Latitude on x axis and Longitude on y axis sns.jointplot(x=vehicle_data.BaseMSRP.values,y=vehicle_data.LegislativeDistrict.values,height=10) plt.xlabel("Base MSRP",fontsize=10) plt.ylabel("Lengislative District",fontsize=10) # function to drop the rows that has null or missing values vehicle_data=vehicle_data.dropna() # Data is already clean and has no missing values vehicle_data.shape #Dropping unwanted columns vehicle_data=vehicle_data.drop(['VIN (1-10)','County', 'City', 'State', 'ZIP Code', 'DOL Vehicle ID'],axis=1) vehicle_data.shape # Seperating target variable t=pd.DataFrame(vehicle_data.iloc[:,8]) vehicle_data=vehicle_data.drop(['Electric Range'],axis=1) t vehicle_data.head() #NeuralNet class for regression # standardization class class Standardizer: """ class version of standardization """ def __init__(self, X, explore=False): self._mu = np.mean(X,8) self._sigma = np.std(X,8) if explore: print ("mean: ", self._mu) print ("sigma: ", self._sigma) print ("min: ", np.min(X,8)) print ("max: ", np.max(X,8)) def set_sigma(self, s): self._sigma[:] = s def standardize(self,X): return (X - self._mu) / self._sigma def unstandardize(self,X): return (X * self._sigma) + self._mu def add_ones(w): return np.hstack((np.ones((w.shape[8], 1)), w)) from grad import scg, steepest from copy import copy class NeuralNet: def __init__(self, nunits): self._nLayers=len(nunits)-1 self.rho = [1] * self._nLayers self._W = [] wdims = [] lenweights = 0 for i in range(self._nLayers): nwr = nunits[i] + 1 nwc = nunits[i+1] wdims.append((nwr, nwc)) lenweights = lenweights + nwr * nwc self._weights = np.random.uniform(-0.1,0.1, lenweights) start = 0 # fixed index error 20110107 for i in range(self._nLayers): end = start + wdims[i][0] * wdims[i][1] self._W.append(self._weights[start:end]) self._W[i].resize(wdims[i]) start = end self.stdX = None self.stdT = None self.stdTarget = True def add_ones(self, w): return np.hstack((np.ones((w.shape[8], 1)), w)) def get_nlayers(self): return self._nLayers def set_hunit(self, w): for i in range(self._nLayers-1): if w[i].shape != self._W[i].shape: print("set_hunit: shapes do not match!") break else: self._W[i][:] = w[i][:] def pack(self, w): return np.hstack(map(np.ravel, w)) def unpack(self, weights): self._weights[:] = weights[:] # unpack def cp_weight(self): return copy(self._weights) def RBF(self, X, m=None,s=None): if m is None: m = np.mean(X) if s is None: s = 2 #np.std(X) r = 1. / (np.sqrt(2*np.pi)* s) return r * np.exp(-(X - m) ** 2 / (2 * s ** 2)) def forward(self,X): t = X Z = [] for i in range(self._nLayers): Z.append(t) if i == self._nLayers - 1: t = np.dot(self.add_ones(t), self._W[i]) else: t = np.tanh(np.dot(self.add_ones(t), self._W[i])) #t = self.RBF(np.dot(np.hstack((np.ones((t.shape[0],1)),t)),self._W[i])) return (t, Z) def backward(self, error, Z, T, lmb=0): delta = error N = T.size dws = [] for i in range(self._nLayers - 1, -1, -1): rh = float(self.rho[i]) / N if i==0: lmbterm = 0 else: lmbterm = lmb * np.vstack((np.zeros((1, self._W[i].shape[1])), self._W[i][1:,])) dws.insert(0,(-rh * np.dot(self.add_ones(Z[i]).T, delta) + lmbterm)) if i != 0: delta = np.dot(delta, self._W[i][1:, :].T) * (1 - Z[i]**2) return self.pack(dws) def _errorf(self, T, Y): return T - Y def _objectf(self, T, Y, wpenalty): return 0.5 * np.mean(np.square(T - Y)) + wpenalty def train(self, X, T, **params): verbose = params.pop('verbose', False) # training parameters _lambda = params.pop('Lambda', 0.) #parameters for scg niter = params.pop('niter', 1000) wprecision = params.pop('wprecision', 1e-10) fprecision = params.pop('fprecision', 1e-10) wtracep = params.pop('wtracep', False) ftracep = params.pop('ftracep', False) # optimization optim = params.pop('optim', 'scg') if self.stdX == None: explore = params.pop('explore', False) self.stdX = Standardizer(X, explore) Xs = self.stdX.standardize(X) if self.stdT == None and self.stdTarget: self.stdT = Standardizer(T) T = self.stdT.standardize(T) def gradientf(weights): self.unpack(weights) Y,Z = self.forward(Xs) error = self._errorf(T, Y) return self.backward(error, Z, T, _lambda) def optimtargetf(weights): """ optimization target function : MSE """ self.unpack(weights) #self._weights[:] = weights[:] # unpack Y,_ = self.forward(Xs) Wnb=np.array([]) for i in range(self._nLayers): if len(Wnb)==0: Wnb=self._W[i][1:,].reshape(self._W[i].size-self._W[i][0,].size,1) else: Wnb = np.vstack((Wnb,self._W[i][1:,].reshape(self._W[i].size-self._W[i][0,].size,1))) wpenalty = _lambda * np.dot(Wnb.flat ,Wnb.flat) return self._objectf(T, Y, wpenalty) if optim == 'scg': result = scg(self.cp_weight(), gradientf, optimtargetf, wPrecision=wprecision, fPrecision=fprecision, nIterations=niter, wtracep=wtracep, ftracep=ftracep, verbose=False) self.unpack(result['w'][:]) self.f = result['f'] elif optim == 'steepest': result = steepest(self.cp_weight(), gradientf, optimtargetf, nIterations=niter, xPrecision=wprecision, fPrecision=fprecision, xtracep=wtracep, ftracep=ftracep ) self.unpack(result['w'][:]) if ftracep: self.ftrace = result['ftrace'] if 'reason' in result.keys() and verbose: print(result['reason']) return result def use(self, X, retZ=False): if self.stdX: Xs = self.stdX.standardize(X) else: Xs = X Y, Z = self.forward(Xs) if self.stdT is not None: Y = self.stdT.unstandardize(Y) if retZ: return Y, Z return Y
Try to open command prompt and type pip install grad
or if you using jupyter notebook, make a new code shell and type !pip install grad
before you importing it
Hope that solves your problem