i want to rearange a csv file :
SWA hostname IP MAC SWA0 app1,app2,app3,app4,…etc ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4,,,,etc mac1,mac2,mac3,mac4,…etc SWA1 app12,app13,app14,..etc ip12,ip13,ip14..etc mac12,mac13,mac14,…etc SWA2 app18,app19,app20,..etc ip18,ip19,ip20..etc mac18,mac19,mac20,…etc
hostname IP MAC SWA app1 ip1 mac1 SW0 app2 ip2 mac2 SW0 app3 ip3 mac3 SW0 app4 ip4 mac4 SW0 app11 ip11 mac11 SW1 app12 ip12 mac12 SW1 app13 ip13 mac13 SW1 app14 ip14 mac14 SW1 app18 ip18 mac18 SW2 app19 ip19 mac19 SW2 app20 ip20 mac20 SW2
i do generate this csv file by searching in a another csv file using:
def search(csv_file,word): return [i for i in open(csv_file,'r') if i.find(word) != -1]
if s: resu = search('result/result.csv',search_word) str(resu) #print(resu) lenght = len(resu) filenam = 'result/result_' + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + '.csv' with open(filenam,'w') as export: writer = csv.writer(export,delimiter=";") writer.writerow(headerList) for line in resu: line = line.replace('[','').replace(']','').replace("'",'') export.write('{}'.format(line))
i want the result diffrently as showen above.
got a partiel answer :
import pandas as pd df = pd.read_csv('/path/to/sample.csv') df_reorder = df[['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']] # rearrange column here df_reorder.to_csv('/path/to/sample_reorder.csv', index=False)
and now the result is :
hostname ip mac SWA app1,app2,app3 ip1,ip2,ip3 mac1,mac2,mac3 SW0 app4,app5,app6 ip4,ip5,ip6 mac4,mac5,mac6 SW1 app7,app8,app9 ip7,ip8,ip9 mac7,mac8,mac9 SW2
i need to dispatch them on every line
I don’t know Pandas, but I do know Python’s CSV module:
import csv
First, you’ll create output_rows, where you’ll store your new “sub rows” as you make them:
output_rows = []
You’ll read the input CSV and capture the header:
f_in = open("input.csv", newline="") reader = csv.reader(f_in) header = next(reader)
Then it’s on to iterating the input rows:
for row in reader: ...
Each row will look something like this:
["swa0", "app1,app2,app3", "ip1,ip2,ip3", "mac1,mac2,mac3"]
and you need to be able to expand the columns values, then group the expanded values: all the first items from each column, then all the second items from each column, and so on.
You want to get that row to look something like this:
[ ["app1","ip1","mac1"], ["app2","ip2","mac2"], ["app3","ip3","mac3"] ]
The way to do that is to split each column, then use Python’s zip() function to interleave the items:
hostnames = row[1].split(",") ips = row[2].split(",") macs = row[3].split(",") sub_rows = zip(hostnames, ips, macs)
sub_rows now looks like that desired list of lists of strings, from just above.
Now for each sub row, you add the SWA in to create a new output row:
swa = row[0] for sub_row in sub_rows: output_row = [swa] + list(sub_row) # sub_row is technically a tuple, so make it a list to append it output_rows.append(output_row)
Finally, you write the output rows to a new CSV:
f_out = open("output.csv", "w", newline="") writer = csv.writer(f_out) writer.writerow(header) writer.writerows(output_rows)
When I put that all together and run it against this input.csv:
SWA,hostname,IP,MAC SWA0,"app1,app2,app3,app4","ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4","mac1,mac2,mac3,app4" SWA1,"app12,app13,app14","ip12,ip13,ip14","mac12,mac13,mac14" SWA2,"app18,app19,app20","ip18,ip19,ip20","mac18,mac19,mac20"
I get this output.csv:
SWA,hostname,IP,MAC SWA0,app1,ip1,mac1 SWA0,app2,ip2,mac2 SWA0,app3,ip3,mac3 SWA0,app4,ip4,app4 SWA1,app12,ip12,mac12 SWA1,app13,ip13,mac13 SWA1,app14,ip14,mac14 SWA2,app18,ip18,mac18 SWA2,app19,ip19,mac19 SWA2,app20,ip20,mac20
If you want to do this in Pandas, take a look at some of the Pandas solutions for this similar problem: How to split a row into two rows in python based on delimiter in Python.