I have multiple dict in a list and I want loop through each dict and flatten the file. When I run this code its giving me the ‘NoneType’ object is not subscriptable error. And the custom fields in the below json will be having many other fields as well
import asana import json import pandas as pd from tabulate import tabulate client = asana.Client.access_token('Access_token') portfolio_items = client.portfolios.get_items_for_portfolio('Portfolio_id', opt_fields = ['gid'], opt_pretty=True ) Project_list = pd.DataFrame(portfolio_items) project_details = [] for (index, row_data) in Project_list.iterrows(): project_object=client.projects.get_project(project_gid=row_data["gid"], opt_fields = [ 'gid','name','start_on','archived','completed', 'completed_at','created_at','current_status.color','current_status.created_at', 'current_status.modified_at','custom_fields.name','custom_fields.display_value' ],opt_pretty= True ) project_details.append(project_object) Flatten_file = pd.DataFrame() if project_details is not None: for project in project_details: flatten_json_file1 = pd.json_normalize(project,record_path =['custom_fields'], meta=['gid', 'name','start_on','archived','completed','completed_at','created_at', ['current_status', 'Color'],['current_status', 'created_at'],['current_status', 'modified_at']], errors='ignore', meta_prefix='meta-', record_prefix='custom-' ) Flatten_file.append(flatten_json_file1) print(Flatten_file)
Project_details list will be consisting of info like this
[ { "gid": "324673284", "archived": false, "completed": false, "completed_at": null, "created_at": "2022-10-25T18:20:01.358Z", "current_status": null, "custom_fields": [ { "gid": "279970056320993", "name": "Priority", "display_value": null }, { "gid": "1202467628629378", "name": "Size ( PXT-BI )", "display_value": "Large" }, ], "name": "Hawkeye Anecdote Escalation Model", "start_on": null }, { "gid": "3878432832", "archived": false, "completed": false, "completed_at": null, "created_at": "2022-12-13T01:24:45.658Z", "current_status": null, "custom_fields": [ { "gid": "1202467628629378", "name": "Size ( PXT-BI )", "display_value": "Small" }, { "gid": "1202475692803938", "name": "Project Type ( PXT-BI )", "display_value": null }, { "gid": "1202537017669433", "name": "Tracks ( PXT-BI )", "display_value": "Strategic Programs" }, { "gid": "1202467628625109", "name": "Scrum Stage ( PXT-BI )", "display_value": "In Progress" } ], "name": "Create Data Connection For New Conversions Dashboard", "start_on": null } ]
And My desired Output should be looking like
Preparing the data:
Project_details = *the array above you inserted* Project_details
It returns your array of dicts. Then you use list comprehension:
dataset = [ [proj['gid'], proj['archived'], proj['completed'], proj['created_at'], custom_field['name'], custom_field['display_value']] for proj in Project_details for custom_field in proj['custom_fields']] dataset
Then you built 1 row with the goal data. Let’s format dataframe:
col = ['Gid', 'Archived', 'Completed', 'created_at', 'Custom Fields_key', 'Value'] df = pd.DataFrame(data = dataset, columns = col) df