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logistic regression and GridSearchCV using python sklearn

I am trying code from this page. I ran up to the part LR (tf-idf) and got the similar results

After that I decided to try GridSearchCV. My questions below:



Then I calculated f1 score manually. why it is not matching?

  1. If I try scoring='precision' why does it give below error? I am not clear mainly because I have relatively balanced dataset (55-45%) and f1 which requires precision is getting calculated without any problems

#lets try gridsearchcv #

  1. is there any easier way to get predictions on the train data back? we already have the logreg_cv object. I used below method to get the predictions back. Is there a better way to do the same?



############update 1

  1. Please answer question 1 from above. In the comment for the question it says The best score in GridSearchCV is calculated by taking the average score from cross validation for the best estimators. That is, it is calculated from data that is held out during fitting. From what I can tell, you are calculating predicted values from the training data and calculating an F1 score on that. Since the model was trained on that data, that is why the F1 score is so much larger compared to the results in the grid search

is that the reason I get below results #tuned hpyerparameters :(best parameters) {'C': 10.0, 'penalty': 'l2'} #best score : 0.7390325593588823

but when i do manually i get f1_score(y_train, final_prediction) 0.9839388145315489


I tried to tune using f1_micro as suggested in the answer below. No error message. I am still not clear why f1_micro is not failing when precision fails




You end up with the error with precision because some of your penalization is too strong for this model, if you check the results, you get 0 for f1 score when C = 0.001 and C = 0.01


You can check this:


And that the probabilities predicted drift towards the intercept:


For the question on “get predictions on the train data back”, i think that’s the only way. The model is refitted on the whole training set using the best parameters, but the predictions or predicted probabilities are not stored. If you are looking for the values obtained during train / test, you can check cross_val_predict

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