I am trying to pass comma separated query parameters to a Flask endpoint.
An example URI would be:
Looking at the return of request.args
or request.args.getlist('status')
I see that I only get a string.
ipdb> pp request.args
ImmutableMultiDict([('status', '1001,1002,1003')])
ipdb> request.args.getlist('status')
I know I can split the string by comma but that feels hacky. Is there a more idiomatic way to handle this in Flask? Or are my query params wrong format?
Since Flask does not directly support comma separated query params, I put this in in my base controller to support comma-separated or duplicate query params on all endpoints.
request_data = {}
params = request.args.getlist('status') or request.form.getlist('status')
if len(params) == 1 and ',' in params[0]:
request_data['status'] = comma_separated_params_to_list(params[0])})
request_data['status'] = params
def comma_separated_params_to_list(param):
result = []
for val in param.split(','):
if val:
return result
This is what you might want here:
is True by default, so by setting it to False, you allow it to return a dict with values inside a list when there’s more than one.
According to to_dict documentation:
Return the contents as regular dict. If flat is True
the returned dict will only have the first item present, if flat is False
all values will be returned as lists.