This code is coming from the official presentation page so it may be a Github issue to raise ?
The widget is under testing. Therefore, we would be grateful if you would let us know about the bugs found.
from kivy.lang import Builder from import MDApp from kivymd.uix.picker import MDDatePicker KV = ''' MDFloatLayout: MDToolbar: title: "MDDatePicker" pos_hint: {"top": 1} elevation: 10 MDRaisedButton: text: "Open time picker" pos_hint: {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5} on_release: app.show_date_picker() ''' class Test(MDApp): def build(self): return Builder.load_string(KV) def on_save(self, instance, value, date_range): ''' Events called when the "OK" dialog box button is clicked. :type instance: <kivymd.uix.picker.MDDatePicker object>; :param value: selected date; :type value: <class ''>; :param date_range: list of '' objects in the selected range; :type date_range: <class 'list'>; ''' print(instance, value, date_range) def on_cancel(self, instance, value): '''Events called when the "CANCEL" dialog box button is clicked.''' def show_date_picker(self): date_dialog = MDDatePicker() date_dialog.bind(on_save=self.on_save, on_cancel=self.on_cancel) Test().run()
TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'callback'
The MDDatePicker does not work with kivymd-0.104.1
. You must install kivymd-0.104.2.dev0
for it to function.
pip uninstall kivymd pip install