I’m trying to perform keyphrase extraction with Python, using KeyBert and pke PositionRank. You can see an extract of my code below.
from keybert import KeyBERT from keyphrase_vectorizers import KeyphraseCountVectorizer import pke text = "The life-cycle Global Warming Potential of the building resulting from the construction has been calculated for each stage in the life-cycle and is disclosed to investors and clients on demand" #text_cleaning(df_tassonomia.iloc[1077].text, sentence_adjustment, stop_words) # Pke extractor = pke.unsupervised.PositionRank() extractor.load_document(text, language='en') extractor.candidate_selection(maximum_word_number = 5) extractor.candidate_weighting(window = 10) keyphrases = extractor.get_n_best(n=10) print(keyphrases) # KeyBert kw_model = KeyBERT(model = "all-mpnet-base-v2") keyphrases_2 = kw_model.extract_keywords(docs=text, vectorizer=KeyphraseCountVectorizer(), keyphrase_ngram_range = (1,5), top_n=10 ) print("") print(keyphrases_2)
and here the results:
[('cycle global warming potential', 0.44829175082921835), ('life', 0.17858359644549557), ('cycle', 0.15775994057934534), ('building', 0.09131084381406684), ('construction', 0.08860454878871142), ('investors', 0.05426710724030216), ('clients', 0.054111700289631526), ('stage', 0.045672396861507744), ('demand', 0.039158055731066406)] [('cycle global warming potential', 0.5444), ('building', 0.4479), ('construction', 0.3476), ('investors', 0.1967), ('clients', 0.1519), ('demand', 0.1484), ('cycle', 0.1312), ('stage', 0.0931), ('life', 0.0847)]
I would like to handle hyphenated compound words (as life-cycle in the example) are considered as a unique word, but I cannot understand how to exclude the – from the words separators list.
Thank you in advance for any help. Francesca
this could be a silly workaround but it may help :
from keybert import KeyBERT from keyphrase_vectorizers import KeyphraseCountVectorizer import pke text = "The life-cycle Global Warming Potential of the building resulting from the construction has been calculated for each stage in the life-cycle and is disclosed to investors and clients on demand" # Pke tokens = text.split() orignal = set([x for x in tokens if "_" in x]) text = text.replace("-", "_") extractor = pke.unsupervised.PositionRank() extractor.load_document(text, language='en') extractor.candidate_selection(maximum_word_number=5) extractor.candidate_weighting(window=10) keyphrases = extractor.get_n_best(n=10) keyphrases_replaced = [] for pair in keyphrases: if "_" in pair[0] and pair[0] not in orignal: keyphrases_replaced.append((pair[0].replace("_","-"),pair[1])) else: keyphrases_replaced.append(pair) print(keyphrases_replaced) # KeyBert keyphrases_2 = kw_model.extract_keywords(docs=text, vectorizer=KeyphraseCountVectorizer(), keyphrase_ngram_range=(1, 5), top_n=10 ) print("") print(keyphrases_2)
the out put should look like this:
[('life-cycle global warming potential', 0.5511001220016548), ('life-cycle', 0.20123353586644233), ('construction', 0.11945270995269436), ('building', 0.10637157845606555), ('investors', 0.06675114967366767), ('stage', 0.05503532672910801), ('clients', 0.0507262942318816), ('demand', 0.05056281895492815)]
I hope this help :)