I have a function called plot_ih_il that receives two data frames in order to generate a plot. I also have a set of folders that each contain a .h5 file with the data I need to give to the function plot_ih_il… I’m trying to feed the function two datasets at a time but unsuccessfully.
I’ve been using pathlib to do so
path = Path("files") for log in path.glob("log*"): for file in log.glob("log*.h5"): df = pd.DataFrame(file, key = "log")
but using this loop, I can only feed one data frame at a time, I need two of them.
The structure of the folders is something like,
files->log1-> log1.h5 log2-> log2.h5 log3-> log3.h5 log4-> log4.h5
I would like to feed the function plot_il_ih the following sequence,
plot_il_ih(dataframeof_log1.h5, dataframeof_log2.h5) then plot_il_ih(dataframeof_log2.h5, dataframeof_log3.h5) and so on.
I have tried to use zip
def pairwise(iterable): a = iter(iterable) return zip(a, a) for l1, l2 in pairwise(list(path.glob('log*'))): plot_il_ih(l1, l2)
but it doesn’t move forward, just opens the 2 firsts.
What is wrong with my logic?
consider something like this. You might have to play around with the indexing
filelist = list(path.glob('log*')) for i in range(1, len(filelist)): print(filelist[i-1]) print(filelist[i]) print('n')