I wanna make a function that takes an array as its first parameter takes an arbitrary sized and shaped arr array and overwrites all its values that are in the given [a,b] interval to be equal to c. The a, b, c numbers are given to the function as parameters.like input and output below
arr = np.array([[[5., 2., -5.], [4., 3., 1.]]])
overwrite_interval(arr, -2., 2., 100.) -> ndarray([[[5., 100., -5.], [4., 3., 100.]]])
def overwrite_interval(arr , a , b , c):
for i in arr[:,:]:
arr[a,b] = c
arr = np.array([[[5., 2., -5.], [4., 3., 1.]]])
assert overwrite_interval(arr, -2., 2., 100.) #-> ndarray([[[5., 100., -5.], [4., 3., 100.]]])
I think the way you’ve worded your question doesn’t line up with the example you’ve given. Firstly, the example array you’ve given is 3D, not 2D. You can do
>>> arr.shape
>>> arr.ndim
Presumably this is a mistake, and you want your array to be 2D, so you would do
arr = np.array([[5., 2., -5.], [4., 3., 1.]])
Secondly, if a
and b
are values that, if an element is between then to set that element to value c
rather than a
and b
being indexes, then the np.where
function is great for this.
def overwrite_interval(arr , a , b , c):
inds = np.where((arr >= a) * (arr <= b))
arr[inds] = c
return arr
returns a tuple, so sometimes it can be easier to work with boolean arrays directly. In which case, the function would look like this
def overwrite_interval(arr , a , b , c):
inds = (arr >= a) * (arr <= b)
arr[inds] = c
return arr
Does this work for you, and is this your intended meaning? Note that the solution I’ve provided would work as is if you still meant for the initial array to be a 3D array.