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Invalid syntax using += operator [duplicate]

I keep getting a syntax error when using += in python here is my code. I am also having troule with nonlocal. I am getting lots of errors including syntax errors and unbound local error Thanks in advance!!!

update: more code added this is all the code It now says local variable ‘citizens’ referenced before assignment

from time import sleep as slp
import time
import sys
def clear():
  print("33[2J33[H", end="")
def slow(text, endl="n"): 
    for c in text:
    print(endl, end="")
def slow_in(prompt=''):
    slow(prompt, endl="")
    return input()

import random
def generate():
  import random
  slow("generating random circumstance...")

rd = random.randint
money = rd(1, 100)
health = 100
global citizens
citizens = rd(10000, 1000000)
supporters = rd(1,1000000)
def show():
  print("money-" + str(money))
  print("health-" + str(health))
  print("citizens-" + str(citizens))
  print("suppporters-" + str(supporters))

waysod = [""]

def death():
  wod = random.choice(waysod)
  rnum = rd(1,citizens//2)
  citizens -= rnum
  print(str(rnum) + " citizens died " + wod)
  return citizens

import random
rd = random.randint
slow("Welcome to presidential nightmare! ")
from time import sleep as slp
slow("The easiest thing to do in this game is, well...")
slow("destroy the country!!")
slow("lets get started!!!")
slow_in("press enter to continue...")



Three things with this code:

  1. the rnum assignment will fail because you are not doing integer division
  2. You actually want global not non-local in this case. Though you should avoid using global variables like this.
  3. You can do the second line as part of the first

This would be what I think you want:

from random import randint as rd
citizens = rd(10000, 1000000)
def function():
  global citizens  # Tells python you want the global value
  rnum = rd(1,citizens//2) # Uses the global value since python knows to do that
  citizens -= rnum   

Though I would recommend avoiding nonlocal altogether since it can cause many bugs down the road. I would suggest doing something like this stylistically:

from random import randint as rd
citizens = rd(10000, 1000000) # Initialize citizens to a random value

def reduce_citizens(citizens:int) -> int:
    """Reduces the number of citizens by up to half of the current amount"""
    rnum = rd(1,citizens//2)
    citizens -= rnum   # Since the value is being passed into the function directly we don't need global
    return citizens # give the new value back so it can be used

citizens = reduce_citizens(citizens) # Take the current value of citizens and remove some then reassign to citizens

The above code has the benefit of being usable with multiple sets of citizens, so for example:

from random import randint as rd
citizens = rd(10000, 1000000)   # Initialize citizens to a random value
citizens_2 = rd(10000, 1000000) # Initialize a second set of citizens to a random value
citizens_3 = rd(10000, 1000000) # Initialize a third set of citizens to a random value

def reduce_citizens(citizens:int) -> int:
    """Reduces the number of citizens by up to half of the current amount"""
    rnum = rd(1,citizens//2)
    citizens -= rnum
    return citizens

citizens = reduce_citizens(citizens) # Take the current value of citizens and remove some then reassign to citizens
citizens_2 = reduce_citizens(citizens) # Take the current value of citizens_2 and remove some then reassign to citizens
citizens_3 = reduce_citizens(citizens) # Take the current value of citizens_3 and remove some then reassign to citizens

Here is a good article and a good video on how scope works in python, but a good rule of thumb is to just keep everything you can local.

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