I am trying to programmatically interrupt the screensaver by moving the cursor like this:
And it fails with the message:
pywintypes.error: (0, 'SetCursorPos', 'No error message is available')
This error only occurs if the screensaver is actively running.
The reason for this request is that the computer is ONLY used for inputting data through a bluetooth device (via a Python program). When the BT device sends data to the computer the screensaver is not interrupted (which means I cannot see the data the BT device sent). Thus, when the Python program receives data from the BT device it is also supposed to interrupt the screensaver.
I have seen several solution on how to prevent the screensaver from starting (which are not suitable solutions in my case), but none on how to interrupt a running screensaver. How can I do this, using Windows 10 and Python 3.10?
The Windows operating system has a hierarchy of objects. At the top of the hierarchy is the “Window Station”. Just below that is the “Desktop” (not to be confused with the desktop folder, or even the desktop window showing the icons of that folder). You can read more about this concept in the documentation.
I mention this because ordinarily only one Desktop can receive and process user input at any given time. And, when a screen saver is activated by Windows due to a timeout, Windows creates a new Desktop to run the screen saver.
This means any application associated with any other Desktop, including your Python script, will be unable to send input to the new Desktop without some extra work. The nature of that work depends on a few factors. Assuming the simplest case, a screen saver that’s created without the “On resume, display logon screen”, and no other Window Station has been created by a remote connection or local user login, then you can ask Windows for the active Desktop, attach the Python script to that Desktop, move the mouse, and revert back to the previous Desktop so the rest of the script works as expected.
Thankfully, the code to do this is easier than the explanation:
import win32con, win32api, win32service
import random
# Get a handle to the current active Desktop
hdesk = win32service.OpenInputDesktop(0, False, win32con.MAXIMUM_ALLOWED);
# Get a handle to the Desktop this process is associated with
hdeskOld = win32service.GetThreadDesktop(win32api.GetCurrentThreadId())
# Set this process to handle messages and input on the active Desktop
# Move the mouse some random amount, most Screen Savers will react to this,
# close the window, which in turn causes Windows to destroy this Desktop
# Also, move the mouse a few times to avoid the edge case of moving
# it randomly to the location it was already at.
for _ in range(4):
win32api.SetCursorPos((random.randint(0, 100), random.randint(0, 100)))
# Revert back to the old desktop association so the rest of this script works
However, if the screen saver is running on a separate Window Station because “On resume, display logon screen” is selected, or another user is connected either via the physical Console or has connected remotely, then connecting to and attaching to the active Desktop will require elevation of the Python script, and even then, depending on other factors, it may require special permissions.
And while this might help your specific case, I will add the the core issue in the general case is perhaps more properly defined as asking “how do I notify the user of the state of something, without the screen saver blocking that notification?”. The answer to that question isn’t “cause the screen saver to end”, but rather “Use something like SetThreadExecutionState()
to keep the screen saver from running. And show a full-screen top-most window that shows the current status, and when you want to alert the user, flash an eye-catching graphic and/or play a sound to get their attention”.
Here’s what that looks like, using tkinter to show the window:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import ctypes
import tkinter as tk
# Constants for calling SetThreadExecutionState
ES_CONTINUOUS = 0x80000000
# Example work, show nothing, but when the timer hits, "alert" the user
ALERT_AT = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(minutes=2)
def timer(root):
# Called every second until we alert the user
# TODO: This is just alerting the user after a set time goes by,
# you could perform a custom check here, to see if the user
# should be alerted based off other conditions.
if datetime.utcnow() >= ALERT_AT:
# Just alert the user
# Nothing to do, check again in a bit
root.after(1000, timer, root)
# Create a full screen window
root = tk.Tk()
# Simple way to dismiss the window
root.bind("<Escape>", lambda e: e.widget.destroy())
root.wm_attributes("-fullscreen", 1)
root.wm_attributes("-topmost", 1)
root.after(1000, timer, root)
# Disable the screen saver while the main window is shown
ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetThreadExecutionState(ES_CONTINUOUS | ES_DISPLAY_REQUIRED)
# All done, let the screen saver run again
While more work, doing this will solve issues around the secure desktop with “On resume, display logon screen” set, and also prevent the system from going to sleep if it’s configured to do so. It just generally allows the application to more clearly communicate its intention.