I am trying to save my images with the time epoch plus iterating integers like this:
text_img.save('/content/result/' + epoch + '_%03d' + '.png' , format="png")
However, the output is something like this:
The formatting does not work for some reason. I do not know why.
At the moment, '_%03d'
is just a literal string. Since your code is in a loop, you’ll want to provide the loop counter variable to be formatted.
Try something like:
import time for i in range(100): epoch = str(int(time.time() / 1000)) name = '/content/result/' + epoch + '_%03d' % i + '.png' text_img.save(name, format='png')
Or you can instead achieve the same thing using f-strings:
import time for i in range(100): epoch = str(int(time.time() / 1000)) name = f'/content/result/{epoch}_{i:03}.png' text_img.save(name, format='png')