I’m trying to build a scatterplot in Altair where the color of the points is determined by a slider. In this example, I want to color in orange only the carse whose cylinders are equal to the one selected by the slider. The operator == inside the Altair condition doesn’t work. I tried different operators, the ones working are > >= < <= the ones not working are == !=
Here’s a non-working code:
slider = alt.binding_range(min=3, max=8, step=1, name='cyl') selection = alt.selection_single(fields=['Cylinders'], bind=slider, init={'Cylinders': 3}) alt.Chart(cars).mark_circle(size=60).encode( x="Miles_per_Gallon", y="Displacement", color=alt.condition(alt.datum.Cylinders == selection.Cylinders, alt.value('#f26414'), alt.value('lightgray'), ), ).add_selection( selection )
How can I make equality works?
For equality, you can check if points are in the selection without using an operator:
color=alt.condition(selection, alt.value('#f26414'), alt.value('lightgray'))