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Importing multiple excel files with similar name, pivoting each excel file and then appending the results into a single file

My problem statement is as above. Below is my progress so far

  1. I want to extract multiple excel files from the same location namely

Test1 Test2 Test3…(I am using glob to do this) (DONE) 2. I want to iterate through the folder and find files starting with a string(DONE) 3. I then formed an empty dataframe. I want to then pivot the 1st file dataframe based on the date(as columns), go to the next file (do the same), and then append my results to a dataframe.

My problem right now is that I am appending all results to the pivot that I created using my first file.

Can someone please help.



Thanks so much for your response. This helps a lot. Can you also tell me how before concatenating the next pivot, I can add a new line so that I can differentiate between the results and also sort by date.

Eg. I am getting the following result

DC Desc Apr 24,21 Dec 1,2020 Feb 6,2021 a 5000
b 2000 4000 c 1000

and I am looking for

DC Desc Dec 1,2020 Apr 24,21 Feb 6,2021 a 5000
b 2000 4000

c 1000 Lookingfor This was I can tell what information I am getting from the other files and also sort the columns. Any help is appreciated.



Your best alternative should be to use pd.concat. A simple approach that I like it is to create a processing function and then concatenate all the dataframes. Something like this:


Then you could drop index or do more data processing, but the main point is to use pd.concat
