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ImportError: cannot import name ‘_unicodefun’ from ‘click’

When running our lint checks with the Python Black package, an error comes up:

ImportError: cannot import name ‘_unicodefun’ from ‘click’ (/Users/robot/.cache/pre-commit/repo3u71ccm2/py_env-python3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/click/`

In researching this, I found the following related issues:

How can I solve this problem? Is this a false positive from the linter? Do I need to modify my code?



This has been fixed by Black 22.3.0. Versions before that won’t work with click 8.1.0.

Incompatible with click 8.1.0 (ImportError: cannot import name ‘_unicodefun’ from ‘click’) #2964

E.g.: black.yml

          python-version: 3.8
      - name: install black
        run: |
-          pip install black==20.8b1
+          pip install black==22.3.0
      - name: run black
        run: |
          black . --check --line-length 100

As a workaround, pin click to the last version via pip install --upgrade click==8.0.2.
