I have a json data set I’m trying to insert into a database. To do so, I need placeholders “” for non-existent data. In the example below, if there’s no email address, I need the insert statement to be (….,”boo”,….) instead of (….,”me@mail.com”,….). I have tried checking for list length, using not, email == [], etc. Every way I know how or have Googled, and none are working.
Example data:
{ "data": [ { "campsites": { ... }, "contacts": { "emailAddresses": [], "phoneNumbers": [] }, ...
My code for this particular section:
results = response.json()['data'] for item in results: for email in item['contacts']['emailAddresses']: if email == []: print("boo") else: print(email['emailAddress'])
The if statement (regardless of how I’ve tried so far), does not execute, and I get a printed list of only the email addresses if they exist:
GRSM_Smokies_Information@nps.gov CATO_superintendent@nps.gov dyanna.threeirons@crow-nsn.gov ozar_campground_operation@nps.gov orpi_information@nps.gov ozar_campground_operations@nps.gov biso_information@nps.gov chis_information@nps.gov info@antelopepointmarina.com
I need:
boo GRSM_Smokies_Information@nps.gov CATO_superintendent@nps.gov dyanna.threeirons@crow-nsn.gov ozar_campground_operation@nps.gov orpi_information@nps.gov ozar_campground_operations@nps.gov biso_information@nps.gov boo chis_information@nps.gov info@antelopepointmarina.com
If the list of "emailAddresses"
is empty, the for loop doesn’t get executed. Accordingly print("boo")
You need to check the list first, before iterate through the list:
results = response.json()["data"] for item in results: emails = item["contacts"]["emailAddresses"] if emails: for email in emails: print(email) else: print("boo")