I try to connect a Django channels Consumer to a HTMX ext-ws
element, but I can’t get a step further.
class MessageConsumer(WebsocketConsumer):
def connect(self):
# "type": "websocket.send",
# "text": "..."
<script src="{% static 'common/js/htmx/htmx.min.js' %}" defer></script>
<script src="{% static 'common/js/htmx/ext/ws.js' %}" defer></script>
The HTMX.js and the ws.js gets loaded correctly at the client’s browser.
<div id="messages-container"
{# hx-ext="ws" ws-connect="/ws/messages/" does not work at all #}
<div id="message"></div>
If I use the old HTMX-builtin hx-ws
method, at least the websocket connects. But I can’t get a message to the HTMX element (I thought the #message
div should be replaced).
If I use the new-style (HTMX extension) syntax (hx-ext="ws" ws-connect...
Can anyone point me to the right direction?
As per docs you need to also include hx-swap-oob="true"
attribute into the html that you send back from websocket:
See example from htmx GH: https://github.com/bigskysoftware/htmx/blob/master/test/servers/ws/server.go#L24
When using the plugin version, what worked for me was removing the defer attribute from htmx related script tags. Not sure why including defer is causing the issue though.
A GH issue has been opened by OP: https://github.com/bigskysoftware/htmx/issues/957