I´m working on creating a list for a game I play with my friends where words get added x times to that list. Currently, I´m using the same three lines of code 5 times and I´d like to instead just call up a predefined funtion 5 times. is that possible? (I only translated the first line)
AmountApple = int(input("How many apples?"))
for num in range(AmountApple):
AnzahlW2 = int(input("Wie viele Werwolf2?"))
for num in range(AnzahlW2):
AnzahlA = int(input("Wie viele Amor?"))
for num in range(AnzahlA):
AnzahlHexe = int(input("Wie viele Hexe?"))
for num in range(AnzahlHexe):
AnzahlHure = int(input("Wie viele Hure"))
for num in range(AnzahlHure):
AnzahlB = int(input("Wie viele Bürger"))
for num in range(AnzahlB):
Any help or pointing out where I mightve gone wrong would be appreciated!
A bigger sample of your script maybe would have helped, but from my understanding of your script if I had this problem I would do this:
def fruitFunction(fruit, newList):
amountFruit = int(input(f"How many {fruit}?"))
for amount in range(amountFruit):
return newList
You can see that I used f-strings here. f-strings allow you to put variables in strings without having to use +
or ,
and have lots of double-quotes. I recommend that you use f-strings everywhere you can.
There is a problem though, and that’s the fact that you need to know the singular and plural of the fruit. But it can be solved like this:
def fruitFunction(singularFruit, pluralFruit, newList):
amountFruit = int(input(f"How many {pluralFruit}?"))
for amount in range(amountFruit):
return newList
To use this function you just have to do this: newList = fruitFunction('apple', 'apples', newList)
Keep in mind that you have to have a list already made to call this function.
Also, it might be a good idea to instead of adding a fruits name 5 times for example in the list, you can append a list to the list. The list would contain the name of the fruit and the amount. It can be done like this:
amountFruit = int(input(f"How many {fruit}?"))
newList.append([fruit, amountFruit])
And that should work, thanks.