I’d like to change the title of the main App screen(AwesomeApp).
The title of my App when it runs is “My house”.
But i want to change it when I click “Update Top Bar’s name” inside “Information” popup window.
When i click “Update Top Bar’s name” button inside “Information” Popup window, I want to update the title of main App with appName.text. (appName is the id of MDTextField inside “Information” popup window). You can input a new app name into MDTextField.
What i have tried is that By clicking “Update Top Bar’s name” button, it saves appName.text in a text file and then Kill the App and re-run the app. then it loades the saved text file and read and put the new app name into the title inside “def build(self):”. But i don’t want to kill the app and re-run the app. I have not included this logic in this code below though.
If anyone could help me to change AwesomeApp’s main title without re-running this program, I would greatly appreciate it.
python file ”’
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget '''Setting the size of first window for program''' from kivy.config import Config #another way of setting size of window Config.set('graphics', 'width', '600') # from kivy.core.window import Window Config.set('graphics', 'height', '750') # Window.size = ("600", "750") from kivymd.app import MDApp from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.factory import Factory from kivy.uix.popup import Popup from kivy.properties import ObjectProperty Builder.load_file('new_window_popup.kv') class Dex(Popup): pass class Remi(Popup): pass class Info(Popup): def updateName(self): # This is where I need a logic to change title of this App with self.appName.text print(self.appName.text) pass class MyLayout(Widget): pass class AwesomeApp(MDApp): def build(self): self.title = "My house" return MyLayout() if __name__ == '__main__': AwesomeApp().run()
new_window_popup.kv file
#:import Factory kivy.factory.Factory #:import MDRaisedButton kivymd.uix.button <Dex>: auto_dismiss: False size_hint: 1, 1 title: "Weight-Based Dose Calculator " canvas.before: Color: rgba: (0,1,0,1) Rectangle: pos:self.pos size:self.size BoxLayout: orientation: "vertical" size:root.width, root.height Label: text: "Dex 1" Button: text: "Close" font_size: 24 on_release: root.dismiss() <Remi>: auto_dismiss: False size_hint: 1, 1 title: "Weight-Based Dose Calculator " canvas.before: Color: rgba: (0,1,0,1) Rectangle: pos:self.pos size:self.size BoxLayout: orientation: "vertical" size:root.width, root.height Label: text: "Remi" Button: text: "Close" font_size: 24 on_release: root.dismiss() <Info>: appName:appName auto_dismiss: False size_hint: 1, 1 title: "Change Info" canvas.before: Color: rgba: (0,1,0,1) Rectangle: pos:self.pos size:self.size BoxLayout: orientation: "vertical" size:root.width, root.height Label: text: "What is your App name?" BoxLayout: orientation: "horizontal" MDTextField: id: appName hint_text: "App Name" color_mode: 'primary' current_hint_text_color: 1,1,1,1 hint_text_color_focus: 1,1,1,.9 line_color_focus: 1,1,1,1 font_size: '25sp' text_color_normal: 1,1,1,.9 text_color_focus: 0,0,1,.9 focus: True write_tab: False Button: text: "Update Top Bar's name" font_size: 24 size_hint: .8, .2 on_release: root.updateName() Button: text: "Close" font_size: 24 on_release: root.dismiss() <MyLayout> MDBoxLayout: orientation:"vertical" size: root.width, root.height MDRaisedButton: text: "Dex" font_size: 32 text_color: 0,0,0,.9 size_hint: 1,.5 on_press: Factory.Dex().open() MDRaisedButton: text: "Remi" font_size: 32 size_hint: 1,.5 on_press: Factory.Remi().open() MDRaisedButton: text: "Information" font_size: 32 size_hint: 1,.2 md_bg_color: 0.95,0.61,0.73,1 on_press: Factory.Info().open()
If you want to change it in kvlang
you can do it as,
... BoxLayout: orientation: "vertical" size:root.width, root.height Label: # text: "What is your App name?" text: "Your current App's name : "+app.title # I changed it just to display the title. BoxLayout: orientation: "horizontal" MDTextField: id: appName hint_text: "App Name" text: app.title color_mode: 'primary' current_hint_text_color: 1,1,1,1 hint_text_color_focus: 1,1,1,.9 line_color_focus: 1,1,1,1 font_size: '25sp' text_color_normal: 1,1,1,.9 text_color_focus: 0,0,1,.9 focus: True write_tab: False Button: text: "Update Top Bar's name" font_size: 24 size_hint: .8, .2 on_release: app.title = appName.text Button: text: "Close" font_size: 24 on_release: root.dismiss() ...
Or, from python
First in kvlang
... MDTextField: id: appName hint_text: "App Name" text: app.title color_mode: 'primary' current_hint_text_color: 1,1,1,1 hint_text_color_focus: 1,1,1,.9 line_color_focus: 1,1,1,1 font_size: '25sp' text_color_normal: 1,1,1,.9 text_color_focus: 0,0,1,.9 focus: True write_tab: False Button: text: "Update Top Bar's name" font_size: 24 size_hint: .8, .2 on_release: root.updateName(appName) # Pass the MDTextField instance. ...
Then in method updateName
def updateName(self, t_field): # Access the running App instance. # Note that this happens to be very useful when you # need to access the App from anywhere in your code. app = MDApp.get_running_app() # Change its title using the text of the t_field (that has been passed). app.title = t_field.text