I have the below table in CosmosDB.
PartitionKey Rowkey Group Salary John HR A 100000 Mark DOC B 200000
I want to update the Salary property in the first entity. When I tried to update the salary property in the first entity, the complete entity is being replaced instead of updating the salary property.
Could someone let me know how to update an property in a entity in CosmosDB table API.
from azure.data.tables import TableServiceClient from datetime import datetime my_entity = { "PartitionKey" : "John", "RowKey" : "HR", "Group": "A", "Salary": 100000 } table_service_client = TableServiceClient.from_connection_string(conn_str="") table_client = table_service_client.get_table_client(table_name="my_table") entity = table_client.create_entity(entity=my_entity) created = table.get_entity(partition_key=my_entity["PartitionKey"], row_key=my_entity["RowKey"]) created["Salary"] = "200" table.update_entity(mode=UpdateMode.REPLACE, entity=created)
Please try by changing the following lines of code:
created = table.get_entity(partition_key=my_entity["PartitionKey"], row_key=my_entity["RowKey"]) created["Salary"] = "200" table.update_entity(mode=UpdateMode.REPLACE, entity=created)
created = table_client.get_entity(partition_key=my_entity["PartitionKey"], row_key=my_entity["RowKey"]) created["Salary"] = "200" table_client.update_entity(mode=UpdateMode.MERGE, entity=created)