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How to sleep python script for xx minutes after every hour execution?

I am trying to make a python script that works in a loop mode with iteration through a text file to run for periods of one hour and make 30minute pauses between each hour loop .

After some searching I found this piece of code :


This code has a few issues though :

  1. It does not consider one hour periods since the script starts running
  2. It does not seem to work continuously for periods over one hour

Considering what I am trying to achieve (running script 1hour before each time it pauses for 30mins) what is the best approach to this ? Cron is not an option here .

For clarification :

1hour run — 30min pause — repeat




The simplest solution I could come up with was the following piece of code, which I added inside my main thread :


From the moment the script starts this will pause every hour for 30mins and resume afterwards .

Simple yet effective !
